Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

 "Robot, you have to folow my orders, capiche?!"

Training robot just like a Professional :)

Ambassador Alessandruino !


This is now the default index page for MRL's webgui.
There is a REST API link which queries MRL's currently running services and returns a dynamically created interface which allows activation of any method with any service.  You may program and control with URLs :)

hey all, ive been working on the InMoov robot for quite some time now, and now im working on getting the tracking and object recognition going in the program, but i cant seem to get the ps3 eye working with the opencv service inside mrl. I have tried it witha regular webcam and it works, but nothing shows up when i try conneting the ps3 eye. I have tried changing the input from the opencv to ps3eye in the opencv service, but still nothing shows up in the gui. It is not a problem with the ps3 eye, because when i test it with CL-Eye test it works perfectly fine. Thanks in advance guys!

How can us mere mortals help?


  • weird wall causes false positives

possible solutions

  • move camera or wall :D
  • add preFilters to reduce size, and other filters which will reduce impact of wall - size reduction will increase speed of search too


I found this on the internet (through Tingyverse) ... and thought it is just begging to be assimilated into MRL.