Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hey, I've been working with mehtaatur on the chess project and he's finally got me to sign up.

First of, a big shout out to you guys. Any time I've been stuck and mention it to him, a reply to his posts come practically instantly.

Just to clear out a few doubts I've got. What you've been speaking about using the MRL WebUI to interact with the board using web sockets is using the xmpp service you've got?

From what I have understood after disscusing the working of MRL with you, is this data flow for online gameplay (ie: board user vs user on website GUI) correct?


New Diagram



# This demo is a basic speech recognition script.
# A set of commands needs to be defined before the recognizer starts
# Internet connectivity is needed initially to download the audio files
# of the Speech service (its default behavior interfaces with Google)
# once the phrases are spoken once, the files are used from that point on
# and internet connectivity is no longer used.  These cached files 
# can be found ./audioFile/google/<language code>/audrey/phrase.mpe
I cannot get anything to talk to my UNO arduino bd in myrobotlab for a couple of days.
Trying the servo and Inmoov files. Tthe inmoov files listen and talk but no servos move. 
Running windows 7 and have java version 1.8.0_20-b26 runtime environment and have tried several computers.
Downloaded the latest version of myrobotlab 1.0.53
looking at the myrobotlab.log I see it cannot find a hex file.

Hello. While this is not a major galring problem, while I was running the example code I would get an error with the freetts. Is it a dependency problem on my part? It says there is no kevin16 nor any other voices. I am running windows 7 with the 1.0.53 release. I sent a no worky in, if there is anything I can do to help?

I want to try to put all servos on one arduino mega, and am not sure where to look. I know it has to be in a file, and yes i could write my own script in python and assign the oins that way, but i want to use other scripts fast and simple.