Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I've linked ProgramAB to Maryspeech to build a personality for my InMoov. Once this was working I've started to fill out my Python script to start up the servos etc. Thanks to KWatters excellent work with OOB tabs I've got various phrases in ProgramAB to call Python functions. Where I am stuck is that the responses generated by ProgramAB are passed directly to Speech so the InMoov mouth doesn't move. I'm not sure if I'm missing something simple to do this.

First test using a DC Servo Motor.

It has a built-in encoder and drive. Need to find out how to read the encoder.

Using left/right keyboard buttons to move the motor.

Just got myself a Cenovo to hook up my InMoov to.

I was going to go the Raspi route, but when the price of a Pi kit worked out the same as this. It arrived this week and so far I'm impressed. Space is limited so I've hooked it up to a usb harddrive to store all the MRL stuff. 2 days in it decided it was time to update to Windows 10 which went flawless.

MyoThalmic Service

Alessandruino has been making progress on the Myo.  He cleverly decided to hook up the Myo through bluetooth to attach to his Android phone.  

This turns his phone into a Wifi router and sends the Myo data across the intertoobs to a running MRL instance.  He was having some troubles sending the data successfully.  We want fast & stable !

Hi all,

Any possibility to add a slider to set the speed the servo will move when you set the servo movement with the slider in the servo service. ..?

Thanks in advance





Connector and Document Processing Pipeline Framework

Document Processing Pipeline Model


So, my work work is really around building custom search engines.  I am constantly re-inventing the wheel of creating a framework that can crawl a data source (such as a website , rss feed, file system, database.. etc)

Leap Motion -> Translate / Rotate -> Inverse Kinematics -> publish joint angles -> InMoovArm -> gain + phase shift of angles -> Servo   Woo Hoo ....  End to end functionality.


Leap Motion + Inverse Kinematics + WebGUI !