Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

A while back I posted a question about which camera and I wanted to provide some new information about it.  The problem was the Hercules cameras don't seem to be available any more, and finding a webcam with at least 720p, good frame rate, a form factor that will fit in the available Inmoov eye mechanism (both old and new versions) and cheap enough was hard to find.

I think the latter is important because having stereoscopic vision will become more interesting as functions like what Alessandruino posted recently become available.

Hi guys, i recently tried to do some things on ProgrammAB to work on the "brain" until i can get my 3d printer to work on the "body":
My plan: getting ProgrammAb to show me images like it works in the chat with mr.turing or at the pandora playground.

Hi all, i am printing the new neck by Bob Houston, but i am wondering if it is possible to have the head tilted forward and to the side inside MRL with a joystick. 

And is it possible to allocate degrees to it. 

Might all be possible now, but like i see the new ball joint, it has 2 tabs on it.

Its hard to tell without pictures so i will make some tomorrow and show what i mean.

I have been experimenting with OLED displays, json strings and Web Weather sites.

I plumped for the weather site.

You have to signup for a free account which allows you to poll the site 500 times a day ( a scan every 2.5 minutes...not bad). They then supply you with a YOUR_KEY (see below).

I am using an ESP8266 as the wifi link to wunderground site.

Batteries have been dead for a couple years .....  got new ones .. rather expensive - but these guys are BIG GUNS ..  LOTS OF POWER !!!

The wiring was all messed up from when I was building my own H-bridges, forgot how it all went together.  Got a Volt/Continuity tester and figured it out.