Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi guys, i just sent a no-worky. I have downloaded mrl 10.0.1412 I have done this before with no problems.

When I start mrl and then start arduino I get the following message MRLCOMM.INO responded with version 35 expected version is 34. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?



Had this once working but not anymore and can not see the reason

I run the following minimal script and the mouth is not moving (I can move the mouth manually with the [swing]i01.head.jaw servo page servo control)

i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")

mouthControl = Runtime.createAndStart("mouthControl","MouthControl")

Trying to use the webgui on my Android tab with webkitspeechrecognition I see the recognized word in the webgui but it looks like this is not recognized by programAB (I do not have an answer for that). Running the webgui on my PC works fine but I wanted to use the tablet to be more mobile.

I also encounter sometimes veeeery long delays after speaking a word until it gets recognized.

Using 1412 for this.

Hello all, so latest ive been trying to use the inmoov to send email, i think i almost got it perfectly working, just need a bit of tuning now. Next stop will be put him also reading the email

1- the pythin script that he will load, this is optimized to gmail, change port for others

Hello everyone,
Excuse me in advance because my English is not very good
I start with Myrobotlab, I'm a beginner

Hi all ! I have a litthe problem. Is it possible to take control of chrome.exe process ? To load tabs or kill the process.

This is the trick I do , but it's not cross plateform, it works only if chrome was not previously loaded. and it's not clean :


proc1 = subprocess.Popen("%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Chromium\Application\chrome.exe", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)


Hello all, 

 im trying to give some more flavor to the chatbot!!!

my idea is to tell him to save an email, and he would add it to a emails.txt (for exemple), then ask him to send an email to a certain person from the list.


Ofc additional features like ask to list the emails, or to have more complete contact info would be evn nicer!

I ave been trying to use the alice2 to take some ideas, but not getting anywhere yet!!

Anyone can help me? 

Little update of the bot, this is inmoov ( and friends ) messenger .  Sorry for translation quality of messenger AIML. You can mod it .