Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi ! someone know how can I intercept a detach() action of a servo .
If not possible is it possible to implement a Published detach information ?

Because I use servo they didn't detach via pwm ( I use a relay to micro shutdown +6v )
And don't want to add multiple non standardized line in script


As a proof of concept I wanted to see how the Raspberry Pi Zero would hold up to be used to control the Pi camera for the eye of my InMoov along with the head and eye servos

Is there a way to control stepper motors want to use them as a base for a robot differential drive

running pi 3 with version 1851

i can use runtime arduino.serial with both the uno and the mega and run the runtime servo to move various parts.

when I run a simple python script the uno works correctly but the mega moves the servos to extreem positions (head and left arm) and i have to power down.  I posted my script, under harland, name small test


Once again, i need some help ...

I'm trying to update my arduino Mega board, because the last version i write on it, was v37 . The .ino compile well, start to be write on board, but stop around one minut after i get the messare "an error appen while transfering the scketch" or someting like that . I've tryed to reinstall the version 37 on the arduino and it success . But MRL say "PUBLISH_ATTACHED_DEVICE devicename not found"  

I don't understand why i can't install the last version ...

The minimal sript for hand is:
rightPort = "COM8"
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")
but every servo-motors used default pins.
Is it possible to define another pins to connect my servo motor ?