As I'm trying to polish up Sabertooth, Joystick, and provide an interface in python you can do this
I noticed MotorControl has getPowerLevel() & getPowerOutput()
As I'm trying to polish up Sabertooth, Joystick, and provide an interface in python you can do this
I noticed MotorControl has getPowerLevel() & getPowerOutput()
# FileConnector crawler # Crawls a directory and publishes a docment for each files found def onDocument(doc): print(doc) fc = runtime.start("fc","FileConnector") fc.addListener("publishDocument","python","onDocument") # start crawling fc.setDirectory(".myrobotlab") fc.startCrawling() sleep(5) fc.stopCrawling()
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.ServiceConfig listeners: null peers: null type: FileConnector
FileConnector is a service that crawls thru a folder and publishes one document for each found file.
I 'am still slowly trying to learn the software but have come into another problem, by any chance will anyone know what I need to look at to try and get the head working, I have an Arudino mega 2560 setup as the left side, I can start the left hand and that all works fine but when I try and start the head I get an error
[AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR class org.myrobotlab.swing.InMoovGui - can't process [start head]
Myrobot lab version 1.0.2577
######################################### # # more info @: ######################################### database = runtime.start("database","DatabaseConnector") database.setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") database.connectionString="jdbc:mysql://localhost/sakila" database.jdbcUser="user" database.jdbcPassword="password" # crawlers publish documents def onDocument(doc): print(doc) database.addListener("publishDocument","python","onDocument") database.setIdField("actor_id") database.setSql("select actor_id, first_name, last_name from actor") if not ('virtual' in globals() and virtual): # start crawling database.startCrawling() sleep(5) database.stopCrawling()
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.ServiceConfig listeners: null peers: null type: DatabaseConnector
DatabaseConnector is a service that executes a select statement from a database and publishes a document for each line. The example is using MySQL database with the example database that is included when you download it from here:
It uses the jdbc driver so it can be used with most databases.
Dom wants to use A6 & A7 on the Nano
I'm about to add the 2 pins in the Arduino service pin definition for the Nano .. but what are the "real" addresses of these pins ?
They are not listed on any documentation .. I found this excellent description regarding these mysterious and silly pins on the Arduino forums..
######################################### # # categories: ingest # more info @: ######################################### # uncomment for virtual hardware # virtual = True # crawlers publish documents def onDocument(doc): print(doc) # start the service csvconnector = runtime.start("csvconnector","CsvConnector") csvconnector.setFilename("crazybigdata.csv") csvconnector.setColumns("FirstName", "LastName", "Sex", "Occupation", "Address") csvconnector.setSeparator(";") csvconnector.addListener("publishDocument","python","onDocument") # start crawling csvconnector.startCrawling() sleep(5) csvconnector.stopCrawling()
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.ServiceConfig listeners: null peers: null type: CsvConnector
CsvConnector is a service that reads a comma separated file ( .csv ) and publishes one document for each row.
The BoofCv service is a wrapper for the BoofCV open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications.
It has a lot more possibilities than what has been used in MRL so far.
Careful if they are closed, tracking will get borked :)
Service refactored, as test, to use any servo controler
Some 3D parts :
- moveToBlocking instead of sleep
- 1 eyelid only blink
# Start the services needed raspi = runtime.start("raspi","RasPi") hat = runtime.start("hat","AdafruitMotorHat4Pi") m1 = runtime.start("m1","MotorHat4Pi") # Attach the HAT to i2c bus 1 and address 0x60 hat.attach("raspi","1","0x60") # Use the M1 motor port and attach the motor to the hat m1.setMotor("M1") m1.attach("hat") # Now everything is wired up and we run a few tests # Full speed forward m1.move(1) sleep(3) # half speed forward m1.move(.5) sleep(3) # Move backward at 60% speed m1.move(-.6) sleep(3) # Stop m1.move(0) # Now you should be able to use the GUI or a script to control the motor
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.MotorHat4PiConfig axis: null controller: null listeners: null locked: false mapper: clip: true inverted: false maxIn: 100.0 maxOut: 100.0 minIn: -100.0 minOut: -100.0 motorId: null peers: null type: MotorHat4Pi
MotorHat4Pi is a motor connected to the AdafruitMotorHat4Pi driver board that can be used on the Raspberry PI. It can drive 4 DC motors ( implemented in mrl ) or two stepper motors ( yet to be implemented ).
# Start the services needed raspi = runtime.start("raspi","RasPi") hat = runtime.start("hat","AdafruitMotorHat4Pi") m1 = runtime.start("m1","MotorHat4Pi") # Attach the HAT to i2c bus 1 and address 0x60 hat.attach("raspi","1","0x60") # Use the M1 motor port and attach the motor to the hat m1.setMotor("M1") m1.attach("hat") # Now everything is wired up and we run a few tests # Full speed forward m1.move(1) sleep(3) # half speed forward m1.move(.5) sleep(3) # Move backward at 60% speed m1.move(-.6) sleep(3) # Stop m1.move(0) # Now you should be able to use the GUI or a script to control the motor
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.ServiceConfig listeners: null peers: null type: AdafruitMotorHat4Pi
AdafruitMotorHat4Pi is a motor driver board that can be used on the Raspberry PI. It can drive 4 DC motors ( implemented in mrl ) or two stepper motors ( yet to be implemented ).
To use the motor you need thee services running on the PI.
1. The raspi service.
2. This service. It represents the board it'self and communicates with the Raspberry PI using the i2c protocol.
3. One to four MotorHat4P services, one for each motor: