Hey everyone!
Just browsing through the MagPi magazine and I found this.
Hey everyone!
Just browsing through the MagPi magazine and I found this.
i can make the davinci and move every other part of the body but the fingers, this happens in both hands, the wrist is okay though. i also try to move the fingers with the sliders and still nothing
Since arduino buffer is limited to few characters , what is the best way to read hundreds of sensors data ? (except by adding arduino boards) I heard about 16 bit bus... Ideally I want to read all the datas in my python program... Thanks in advance for your help.
It seems that some people are interested in BLDC servo.
Here is my very first work on that :
BLDC motor and gearbox with PID control by arduino under labview.
Torquy !
######################################### # MimicSpeech.py # description: Speech synthesis based on Mimic from the MyCroft AI project. # categories: speech, sound # more info @: http://myrobotlab.org/service/MimicSpeech ######################################### # start the service mouth = runtime.start('mouth','MimicSpeech') #possible voices ( selected voice is stored inside config until you change it ) print ("these are the voices I can have", mouth.getVoices()) print ("this is the voice I am using", mouth.getVoice()) mouth.speakBlocking('hello, this is mimic speech from mycroft project') mouth.speakBlocking('I am a speech synthesis program') mouth.speakBlocking('How was that ?') mouth.speakBlocking('can someone fix my list voices, i think its broke. Oh thanks, fixed now') #mouth.setVoice('Henry') mouth.setVolume(0.7) mouth.speakBlocking("Silent please")
######################################### # Chassis.py # description: control platform # categories: [general] ######################################### # start the service chassis = runtime.start("chassis","Chassis")
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.ChassisConfig listeners: null peers: controller: autoStart: true name: chassis.controller type: Sabertooth joystick: autoStart: true name: chassis.joystick type: Joystick left: autoStart: true name: chassis.left type: Motor right: autoStart: true name: chassis.right type: Motor type: Chassis
A generalized chassis platform using a differential drive. Used to implement higher level functions like turning to a specific heading or following a path.
Ahoy to my fellow MRL'ers!
I had an interesting thought while letting my turkey settle in my stomach (U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday Today). Is it or could it be possible to allocate resources for a specific service inside MRL when doing Runtime.createAndStart(...) It is supposed to be possible to do java -Xmx1024m -jar myrobotlab.jar but does this just give the MyRobotLab process those resources? I have been digging into Runtime and createAndStart but I am not seeing anything that looks explicitly like what I am wanting to do?
I will write up how this MAGIC all worked but check it out... It WORKS!
A few weeks ago I was trying to determine how to pass data between services running on separate instances of MRL running on a Mac Mini and a Raspberry Pi.
######################################### # OculusDiy.py # more info @: http://myrobotlab.org/service/OculusDiy ######################################### # start the service oculusdiy = runtime.start("oculusdiy","OculusDiy") port="COM3" #virtual=1 if ('virtual' in globals() and virtual): virtualArduino = runtime.start("virtualArduino", "VirtualArduino") virtualArduino.connect(port) oculusdiy.connect(port) oculusdiy.mpu6050.attach(oculusdiy.arduino, "0", "0x68")
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.OculusDiyConfig arduino: autoStart: true name: arduino type: Arduino listeners: null mpu6050: autoStart: true name: mpu6050 type: Mpu6050 peers: arduino: autoStart: true name: oculusdiy.arduino type: Arduino mpu6050: autoStart: true name: oculusdiy.mpu6050 type: Mpu6050 type: OculusDiy