Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Very great walking bot



2 hour drive south for me ...  I likey them !  Sexy walk ;)

in case anyone was interested in how the encoders and motors repeate on the legs moving:

this info is sent back on the terminal screen when moving the legs, I added the should be lines so you know where the motor was told to go

I haven't used MRL in about a year. I just downloaded the latest version and it looks preety nice. You guys have done a good job in this release.


Turns out, a step is much harder than first thought. A child is faster than I am at learning to walk!

The secquence:

Right ankle rotates to right and right leg bends down a little.

Bending down right leg forces the left leg to be longer, pushing over leg assembly to the right.

Hi Inmoov Team,

i had install ubuntu and Myrobot lab in MRL folder.

But i cant get windows like mic icon in browser. so that i could start communication with robot.

pls. help me . if any other command to run .

thanks and regards



i had to refresh all my workspace under eclipse mars after a crash due to an electricity cut off . So i've a new workspace with my folders pulled form git and i get a lot of error . Java is version 8.152 all seems to be well configured . The problem is " The declared package "org.myrobotlab.service" does not match the expected package ""

I'm sure it's a little thing, but i don't find how to solve it ..

Thanks for your help !

Ahoy!  - I have a neopixel 300 led strand - I intend to pimp out my Wife's Honda Odyssey as a practical joke..  So this is for a "good cause" ...

I got it working on an Uno, but on the Esp8226 I got "no love" ..

I'm using the Adafruit library, and strandtest sketch "works" on an Uno.

One interesting thing I noticed is when "strandtest" is running - pixels change 3 at a time..