Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
# start the service plantoid = runtime.start("plantoid","Plantoid")
A Service for the Plantoids !
We are building a school of open-source robotics that focuses on a full spectrum development of beginner's mind models and exploratory curriculum that grows and flourishes with the students of its methods to create lab quality, mission actual plantoid robots that manifests behaviours possible only by organic and autonomous life forms.
Well, when I execute a script for the Arduino, like this:
Anybody had any success getting MRL up and running on a BBB? I'm stuck at trying to verify my java installation at the moment, so any pointers/helpful suggestions/handholding walkthroughs would be completely appreciated.
Hello guys i wanted to try the wireless piano (first time experementing with MRL) thats posted on the website by Alessandruino but i c/p code to python, i've installed arduino and jfugue extensions on MRL but and i've set my Arduino Mega2560 to COM4, Bps 9600, data bits 8, parity none, stop bits 1, flow control none but when i try to upload the example code on the board it says:
PT: Este breve tutorial auxilia na iniciação ao MyRobotLab dos novos usuários que tem preferência pelo idioma português.
EN: This short tutorial helps on the beginning of MyRobotLab for the newbies who prefer the portuguese language... and for the guys who want to learn portuguese. :) So, it will be all in portuguese.
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