Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I've been playing with ProgramAB and InMoov2.
It's enjoyable to ask it a question and get a detailed response.

What is a squirrel ?  

tego montado el atebrazo derecho con 6 servos ylos muevo con swingui pero no logro ejecutar los gestos guardados en gestos .ayuda por favor-

I downloaded the full face stl from thingiverse but I can't figure out how to mount to the rest of the head no holes to match up or am I doing something wrong



Added a little to the MrlSriaxHandler, because all Pannous request seemed to end in errors.  It would be nice to switch to Apache's Open NLP and have it hit Wikipedia or a local Wikipedia index.