Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I am trying to get the PIR sensor to Power Up the robot. 

The robot will power down both automatically and with the voice command "Power down" and then power back up again with the voice command, "Power up"

I have the PIR connected  to my left Arduino on pin #28, this is define in the script and confirned on start up. The power leads for the PIR are connected to 5V power. I have tested the sensor in another device and it is working OK.

Thanks Grog and Alessandruino for your help on getting this far.

Well this is exciting Gareth is Clang Clang Clang at adding another micro-controller to the MRL BORG !

By chatting in the shoutbox, it came out the problem of the mic picking up too much noise from the servos. In order to try to reduce or eliminate the problem my suggestion (which I will try by myself as soon as my robot head will be finished) is:
1) abandon cardiod-shaped diagram microphones (those which you are using at 99% of chances) adopting monodirectional, shotgun-shaped diagram microphones.

Ok so I know I have posted this before  but PLEASE all of the InMoov Nation give this a shot you will not be disappointed.

When you are printing parts on your heated bed no matter ABS or PLA please take a moment to sacrifice a bit of beer (YES BEER) on your print surface. It makes adhesion a snap and release from your print bed a breeze as well. 

I have been using this method for months and have had no problems with adhesion whatsoever.

Gael described a problematic issue where omoplates and other parts failed to reset themselves after a "rest" command.  It was difficult because it did not seem consistent.  Problems which always fail 100% are usually easy to solve. This one wasn't.  But I think I've got it....