I am trying to get the PIR sensor to Power Up the robot. 

The robot will power down both automatically and with the voice command "Power down" and then power back up again with the voice command, "Power up"

I have the PIR connected  to my left Arduino on pin #28, this is define in the script and confirned on start up. The power leads for the PIR are connected to 5V power. I have tested the sensor in another device and it is working OK.

Thanks Grog and Alessandruino for your help on getting this far.

Any suggestions to get the PIR sensor working would be apprieciated

Not all PIRs are created equal - did you get one like wkinne or do you have a different one ..   Wkinne was able to get a trace to show the PIR in action with just the Arduino service, looking at the oscope pane.  Are you able to do the same ?

I have only tested it on my motion camera, which is Arduino based, and it works OK. I have 2 PIR sensors both worked OK. Who all has this working on their InMoov? Maybe there is something in how it's wired up.


10 years 4 months ago

Glad you are back with us. I've been trying to get my PIR working with no success. When i run the script you posted in your blog, it just repeats "howdy partner" over and over again. I know it is programed to say it 10 time but it keeps going. How to you have it wired up? How do I hook it up to the Arduino Oscope to test it?



10 years 4 months ago

# on com 5 arduino pin 12
def input():
    # print 'python object is ', msg_clock_pulse
    pin = msg_i01_right_publishPin.data[0]
    print 'pin data is ', pin.pin, pin.value
    if (pin.value == 1):
      mouth.speak("howdy partner")


10 years 4 months ago


I watched to video and set everything up as you said.

Here's what I get now;

I don't get any bumps in the oscope line when I wave my hand in front of the PIR;

I have 2 sensors like yours (radio shack) neither one shows a bump:

InMoov automatically shuts down after the specified time but then immedatlly starts up again.



10 years 4 months ago

If I unplug the PIR before for it auotdisconnects, it doesn't Power up again automatically but as soon as I plug the sensor in - it Powers up.