Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Documentation is a very good thing.  Good documentation is even better. MRL provides a large array of Services  each of which contains a large number of methods.  When you are using Python, its nice to know what methods you have to work with.  Regrettably, we have a limited number of elves working on the project and they don't always have time to provide good documentation.

Here are some suggestions the elves have suggested.

WOOOHOOO !   IT IS WORKY !!! ... or mostly so - some fine tuning is still required...

But holy cow lets compare ....

236 micro seconds vs 18,392 micro seconds ..

Ya a bit of a difference...   

Here are some pros and cons of the new PulseIn


Is there any way I can start tracking objects like in Alessandruino´s video or at Instructables?

Don´t need to be facedetect, just would like to be able to track something.

I have set up 2 servos and the camera which is working fine with the Here I get a b/w picture and I can set a black dot to an object. If I move that object the black dot stays on that object but the servos don´t move. Keep getting millions of "limit out of range errors".

I would like to know how I can add vocabulary to a script. Do I have to create a library? I do have all the mp3 files necessary.

For example: In existing scripts I see