Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Ciao a tutti,

Mi presento mi chiamo Davide e vorrei provare a costruire un robot inmoov.

Ho un problema volevo prendere confidenza con my robotlab e ho deciso di provare il tutorial                           ""

Ho installato my robotlab con tutte le funzioni ma quando mando in esecuzione mi da questoe errore:

I've setup the Travis-CI build file with the ability to post releases.
It will only push a release into github if someone pushes a tag.

You can add a tag through eclipse by right-clicking on the project -> Team -> Advanced -> Tag

Current build of 1.0.87 was pushed in this way.

hello every body

they a long time i dont put a picture here

because i working about robot

i can show you my inmoov with my arm

but i am always here and i see some news

it is my prototype before use abs

like you can see grog i am always the king cardboard lol


Hey guys, I'm back, the high schooler who made the InMoov this spring. 

I started on a little project combining MRL and the Leap Motion sensor not too long ago, but the catch this time is that I'm working on a Mac for the first time in my life since the PC I used to work on wasn't powerful enough to handle the Leap sensor. 

Does anyone know how to set up MRL (and maybe more specifically a Leap Sensor) on a Mac? I tried downloading the jar file but I guess those only work for Windows. 

Motors are getting a large overhaul. There now is mapping for power levels, and encoders.  What this means is that the power input can be configured to be any range as well as the power output (similar to Servos).  

No mad scientist wardrobe is complete without a MyRobotLab T-shirt. Now, you can get your very own with a snippet from our Borg Borg Borg motto ! Help support open source software and feel the power of the largest open source Java robotic platform in the world!

It's even radiation resistant !*

In a search to find a Visual STL Viewer Gui the best/easiest to use so far I could come up with is using some JavaScript. Its significantly faster compared to the OpenGL versions I have tested so far (hmmm).

The reason for exploring this type of Visual display Gui will "path" a way to more intuitive user friendly control panels.

So you have a little robot that is based on an Arduino running MRLComm but you really want to cut the USB cord.  Here's what I've done to cut the cord and go wireless via a cheap chinese bluetooth module I picked up on Amazon.