Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


To avoid runaway tasks in MRLComm if MRL is closed, this code could be exected when MRLComm detects that the contact with MRL has been lost.

void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;  // Define the reset function at address 0

resetFunc();  // Call the reset 
It will then end up in the initial setup() and reinitiate. So all pins will be reste to their initial state and the communicaiton will go into it's initial state.

It is amazing how hard it is to get some things to work in MRL.

My PIR code works on the bench using a mega board on digital pin 12.

You see on a mega board and using pin 12:

14:38:43.836 [COM8.portListener 1] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino - Publish Pin: {

  "pin": 12,

  "type": 2,

  "value": 0,

  "source": "arduino"

And when the PIR is triggered you see:

I've been working on debugging various issues that people are having with the arduino service.  I've found that it's a bit overwhelming to read through so I took a crack at cleaning it up.  Below, I will share some notes about the coding convention that I've taken on with this refactor/code cleanup.

Design principals

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
# description: google api client service
# categories: [google, vision, cloud]
# possibly more info @:
# start the service
googlecloud = runtime.start("googlecloud","GoogleCloud")
# connect to the google cloud back end with the vision api
# this authorization api json file needs to be created 
if googlecloud.connect("../API Project-c90c3d12e7d3.json"):
  faces = googlecloud.detectFaces("faces.jpg")
  print("Found ", faces.size(), " faces")
  print("Writing to file ", "facesOutput.jpg")
  googlecloud.writeWithFaces("faces.jpg", "facesOutput.jpg", faces)
Example configuration (from branch develop):
listeners: null
peers: null
type: GoogleCloud

Google make exemplary software.  Much of it the publish as open source.  (Thank You Google).  
Some of it, they make impressive services.  This service allows our robots to interact with those services. 

They include Vision, Speech, Translate, & Cloud Machine Learning.

Hi, I just I am new to MRL. I just downloaded the latest version from

But I seem to be having an issue when trying to install webGUI, I get the following error


ERROR Runtime: error unresolved dependency: org.java_websocket.websocket#websocket;1.2: not found 

Hi! I am pretty new here. I am able to start MRL and run ProgramAB, but I am clueless as to how I can 'hook' it to anything outside MRL.

Can someone point me out on how would I be able to connect a python, php, js script to my MRL in order to 'send' something to the ProgramAB service and 'get' the response back?

Excuse me if this is too basic, I couldn't find the docs about it.


Thanks in advance! 

Hey guys

This week-end I try  my inMoov with the lastest build (1355 at that time) and it was not working

Everything seem fine with MRL (no errors messages) but everything that connect to the arduino where not responding (servo, neopixel ring, PIR sensor).

For the servo to work, I have to detach and attach them again and then they work without any further problem.

Here is my intention alongwith the sample code I am using.

1. Take a photo using OpenCv, Sphinx, AcapelaSpeech. Save the Photo in a Directory. C:\Users\Jaideep\Desktop\MRL\develop\*.jpg. This is achieved using This works from with MRL. Thanks to GroG and Mats for all the help.