can someone post a sample with aiml using marytts and sphinx for simple start to show me please would be VERY VERY appeciative
Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
In my aiml file I wanted a responding text to my pattern and in addition an oob tag to make some movements.
It looks like such a file is not considered valid as it does not get activated.
Other tags like <think> can be added into the template section - is this not true for the oob or do I have a syntax problem?
Thanks the team . i can now stop the listening and resume it and never touch the microphone icon
Robot is now autonomous
I removed the microphone from the head to avoid servo noise , i put it later into coton away from servo.
I am trying to use the learn aiml, I see that Mastablasta in one of his docs said
Before you end a session with your bot you need to use wq (write and quit) and hit enter.
Can anyone tell me where you enter the WQ. I have tried this but get nothing.
I have found a way to be able to use a Neopixel ring on an arduino running MRLComm (direct communication to MRL). No need of a slave controller to drive the neopixel hardware
Lets say you have a python script for MyRobotLab that you would like to start automatically. Here's an example of how to run a script directly from the command line when myrobotlab launches.
Hello all,
im trying to figure how to make the MRL interpretate my finger sensores!
im using the latest stable version 1.0.1412, foam sensors.
Basically im wondering if there is any script i can be based on to implement on a script how to read the presure to stop a moovement or to activate a finction for a certain pressure etc!!
pls help :)
How many volts do i need to power 5 servos? I am currently using a batty pack that holds 4 AAs and the none of the servos move. I am pretty sure its because im not using enough voltage. One servo movedperfectly with that one battery pack, but when i hooked up 5 none of the servos moved. DO i need a nine volt battery insteadm or more?