Just got MyRobotLab (MRL) working with my newly printed right forarm but everytime I close MRL I have to added a new Arduino, set it to COM#, add a servo X times and set each servo to connect to said arduino and attach to pin X. Is there a way to save this configuration?
I cannot imagine having an entire robot and having to completely setup every component at every MRL start. Am I missing someting that EVERYONE else is doig?
Python scripting will startup all your services for you
Ahoy Bradap! I think the best way for you to go is to write a small python script to start and configure the services for you when you start MRL.
Python is a fully functional programming/scripting langauge and it can create any service and call any method on those services. This is definitely the best/easiest way.
Good luck! Say hello in the shout box, someone will point you in the right direction.
Over the past year i have attempted a few times to get my finger working and found various posts with peoples scripts. I was never able to get these scripts to work - is there a documented API and/or repo with script examples?
I was just looking online and
I was just looking online and found this link - https://myrobotlab.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/myrobotlab/src/resource/Pyt…;
I'll try and look at InMoov.right.hand.py shortly.
Github & pyrobotlab
There are many examples in various states of worky in github
If you have questions about how to do things, just say hello in the shout box :)
Thanks ...
Thanks for the point in the right direction. I looked at some of the scripts last night but did not get to far since I am still sorting out my power issues.