I have Program AB working and the WEBGui up, now how can I send to and receive from the API

I have built an Android that will send to and receive from. Just need to know what to put on the URL.

I tried http://ipaddress:8888/services/lloyd/status/Speech text

I get nothing back from the GET

Any help would be great

Thank you in advance



9 years 1 month ago

Hi rz90208,

I wanted to get back to you regarding the URI interface.
The POST to http://host:port/api/messages should work, but it is primarily for other instances of mrl to communicate with each other...  It will suspend the connection as a speed optimization for subsequent requests.

When you wrote I notices the http://host:port/api/services interface was borked - and I have since fixed it..

More information can be found here :
http://myrobotlab.org/content/myrobotlab-api  (still a work in progress)

You'll need the latest build

An easy example of calling a service method ...


{"msgId": 1442675248804,"name": "webgui","sender": "webgui","sendingMethod": "","historyList": [],"method": "onUptime","data": ["0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 17 seconds "]}

returns the current uptime

An example of calling a service's method with a parameter would be

{"msgId": 1442675382550,"name": "webgui","sender": "webgui","sendingMethod": "","historyList": [],"method": "onIsLocal","data": [true]}