myrobotlab crash when I disable chatbot, I was using "False", someone here sugest that the capital F will kill the program, I change to lower case but same problem in fact I found the word False is used  in all defaults config.


6 years 1 month ago

I'm happy you decided to make a post here.

Unfortunately the information you have porvided is still very sparse.

Some suggestions:

What operating system are you using?

Which version of MRL?

It sounds like you could be using the InMoov setup from, is this true?



And it would help a lot, if you could send a noWorky (-> HowTo), or (in case you don't get the chance to do it as MRL crashes before you're able to send a noWorky): upload your myrobotlab.log here.

I am using Windows 10, MRL version myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4 downloaded from Gael web site, I have send many times "noworky' from the Help, I have many problems, this is just one, when I run in virtual everything works perfect, enabling arduinos, still OK, when enable head or anything else it crash.

I will get new logs and I will posted.





In the python language the key word for True and False contain a capital letter. 

In Java they are lowercase  true and false.


I suspect that if you're using a python script (likely, as you're probably using the inmoov default scripts)  then you must use python syntax.  so, capital letters are correct.

Looking at your log, I see two errors:

1. is an error related to Arduino

2. python script error

Let's start with the first one:

Judging from the log, there are quite a few communication errors. So, let's start at the basics: Did you upload MRLComm to your Arduino?

I try to complie the MRLcom from 1.0.2369.4 but I got  a few errors

Msg.h:41: error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member 'debug'
Msg.h:41: error: making 'debug' static
Msg.h:41: error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member 'debug'
Msg.h:47: error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member 'byteCount'
Msg.h:47: error: making 'byteCount' static
Msg.h:47: error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member 'byteCount'
Msg.h:48: error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member 'msgSize'
Msg.h:48: error: making 'msgSize' static
Msg.h:48: error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member 'msgSize'
Msg.h:50: error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member 'sendBufferSize'
Msg.h:50: error: making 'sendBufferSize' static
Msg.h:50: error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member 'sendBufferSize' 'sendBufferSize'


6 years 1 month ago

In reply to by racurv

the arduino software from the arduino website. And the compile it with the new arduino software.


Did you download manticore from the inmoov website?


Can you put in your config scripts, exact number of mrlcomm.ino and your myrobotlab number. There should be not reason that it cant be disabled. I tested here and i use the manticore from and have no problem disabling it.

The more details you give us, the better we can solve the problem. We cant see what you do. Maybe even make a video of it, post it on youtube and put the link in here.

I download myrobotlab from, version 1.0.2693.4, what you mean for number of mrlcomm.ino?

I use servo calibration tool, to set all my min and max, in all servos no problem here, in virtual mode everything works, at this point I am only enable head, eyes and left hand, with chatbot enable, the head jaw and eyes work, no crash, when disable chatbot, during initialization when it get to the chatbot then crash. I copy the ones I modify

----------------------------- EYELID CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------
;chose left or right existing and connected arduino

;EyeLidsLeftActivated : 1 servo control 2 eyelids
;EyeLidsRightActivated+EyeLidsLeftActivated : 1 servo control 1 eyelid

;your servo minimal limits

;your servo maximal limits


;----------------------------------- ADVANCED CONFIGURATION --------------------------------------------------







;----------------------------------- END ------------




;----------------------------- HEAD CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------


isrollneckactivated = False
;RollNeckArduino=left or right

;your servo minimal limits

;your servo maximal limits


;robot move the jaw while speaking
;How much the jaw move ( after map )


;----------------------------------- ADVANCED CONFIGURATION --------------------------------------------------

;this is optional direct mouthcontrol
;analog pin range are 14-18 on uno, 54-70 on mega







;----------------------------------- END --------------------------------------------------

;----------------------------- LEFT HAND CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------

;your servo minimal limits

;your servo maximal limits


;----------------------------------- ADVANCED CONFIGURATION --------------------------------------------------






;----------------------------------- END --------------------------------------------------




I just did a test, delete de MRL folder and reinstall the myrobotlab, then I disable chatbot  only, runing in virtual, and it crash .

Here is the log:

17:08:55.959 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 278 non-sub-routable methods
17:08:55.975 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] cfg file C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4\.myrobotlab\runtime.json does not exist
17:08:56.100 [main] INFO c.m.f.r.ServiceData [] try #1 loading local file C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4\.myrobotlab\serviceData.json
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== args begin ==============
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] jvmArgs [-Djava.library.path=libraries/native, -Djna.library.path=libraries/native, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8]
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] file.encoding UTF-8
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] args [-fromAgent, agent.20180911.170854897.8580, -id, runtime.20180911.170855240.0, -jvmargs=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -invoke, python, execFile, C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/, -service, python, Python]
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== args end ==============
17:08:56.209 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== env begin ==============
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] PATH not defined
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] JAVA_HOME not defined
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== env end ==============
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== normalized ==============
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] 2018/09/11 17:08:55 - GMT - 2018/09/12 00:08:55
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] pid 4500
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] hostname tito-pc
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ivy [runtime,]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] version 1.0.2693 branch master commit ca3c97f94339d43b2e7e7b9aea823299e966b99f build null
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] platform [}]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] version [1.0.2693]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] root [/C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/myrobotlab.jar]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] cfg dir [C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4\.myrobotlab]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] [64]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] ============== non-normalized ==============
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] [Windows 10] getOS [windows]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] os.arch [amd64] getArch [x86]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] os.version [10.0]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] java.vm.vendor [Oracle Corporation]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] java.specification.version [1.8]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] file.encoding [UTF-8]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Charset.defaultCharset() [UTF-8]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] java.home [C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181]
17:08:56.225 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] java.class.path [C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4\myrobotlab.jar;./libraries/jar/jython.jar;./libraries/jar/assets.jar;./libraries/jar/aws-java-sdk-1.11.118.jar;./libraries/jar/bridj-0.6.2.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-codec-1.9.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-io-2.5.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-lang-2.6.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar;./libraries/jar/commons-logging-1.2.jar;./libraries/jar/diff4j-1.2.jar;./libraries/jar/emotionml-checker-java-1.1.jar;./libraries/jar/eventbus.jar;./libraries/jar/fast-md5-2.7.1.jar;./libraries/jar/fest-assert-1.4.jar;./libraries/jar/ffmpeg-windows-x86_64.jar;./libraries/jar/ffmpeg.jar;./libraries/jar/freetts.jar;./libraries/jar/gluegen-rt.jar;./libraries/jar/groovy-all-2.4.5.jar;./libraries/jar/guava-14.0.1.jar;./libraries/jar/hamcrest-all-1.3.jar;./libraries/jar/hsqldb-2.0.0.jar;./libraries/jar/httpclient-4.5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/httpcore-4.4.4.jar;./libraries/jar/httpcore-nio-4.1.jar;./libraries/jar/httpmime-4.5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/icu4j-54.1.1.jar;./libraries/jar/inmoov-head.jar;./libraries/jar/j-ogg-oggd.jar;./libraries/jar/j-ogg-vorbisd.jar;./libraries/jar/jackson-annotations-2.5.0.jar;./libraries/jar/jackson-core-2.5.0.jar;./libraries/jar/jackson-databind-2.5.0.jar;./libraries/jar/jama-1.0.3.jar;./libraries/jar/Jampack-1.0.jar;./libraries/jar/java-diff-1.1.jar;./libraries/jar/javacpp.jar;./libraries/jar/javacv.jar;./libraries/jar/jbullet.jar;./libraries/jar/jglfont-core.jar;./libraries/jar/jinput.jar;./libraries/jar/jipcam-0.9.1.jar;./libraries/jar/jl1.0.1.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-android.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-blender.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-bullet-natives-android.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-bullet-natives.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-bullet.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-core.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-desktop.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-effects.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-ios.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-jbullet.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-jogg.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-jogl.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-lwjgl-natives.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-lwjgl.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-networking.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-niftygui.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-openal-soft-natives-android.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-plugins.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-terrain.jar;./libraries/jar/jME3-testdata.jar;./libraries/jar/joal.jar;./libraries/jar/joda-time.jar;./libraries/jar/jogl-all.jar;./libraries/jar/json-20090211.jar;./libraries/jar/jssc-2.8.0.jar;./libraries/jar/jtok-core-1.9.3.jar;./libraries/jar/junit-4.12.jar;./libraries/jar/launch4j.jar;./libraries/jar/LeapJava.jar;./libraries/jar/log4j-1.2.16.jar;./libraries/jar/lwjgl.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-builder-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-client-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-common-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-de-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-en-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-fr-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-it-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-lb-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-ru-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-sv-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-te-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-tr-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-redstart-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-runtime-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-signalproc-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/marytts-transcription-5.2.jar;./libraries/jar/microsoft-translator-java-api-with-dependencies-0.8.3.jar;./libraries/jar/mp3spi1.9.5.jar;./libraries/jar/mwdumper-1.16.jar;./libraries/jar/mysql-connector-java-5.1.16.jar;./libraries/jar/nifty-default-controls-javadoc.jar;./libraries/jar/nifty-default-controls.jar;./libraries/jar/nifty-javadoc.jar;./libraries/jar/nifty-style-black.jar;./libraries/jar/nifty.jar;./libraries/jar/opencv-windows-x86_64.jar;./libraries/jar/opencv.jar;./libraries/jar/opennlp-maxent-3.0.3.jar;./libraries/jar/opennlp-tools-1.5.3.jar;./libraries/jar/opennlp-tools-1.6.0.jar;./libraries/jar/opennlp-uima-1.6.0.jar;./libraries/jar17:10:32.945 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Agent [] publishTerminated - terminated %s %s - restarting
17:10:32.945 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Agent [] terminating others
17:10:32.945 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] agent info terminating runtime.20180911.170855240.0
17:10:32.945 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] agent info runtime.20180911.170855240.0 haz beeen terminated
17:10:32.945 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Agent [] no survivors sir...
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Agent [] terminating self ... goodbye...
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] mrl shutdown
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service cli
17:10:32.961 [cli] INFO c.m.f.Service [] cli info shutting down
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] cli info saving cli.json
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Cli) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.961 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.976 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service agent
17:10:32.976 [agent] INFO c.m.f.Service [] agent info shutting down
17:10:32.976 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] agent info saving agent.json
17:10:32.976 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Agent) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.976 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.976 [runtime] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info shutting down
17:10:32.992 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info saving runtime.json
17:10:32.992 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info we cant serialize runtime yet
17:10:32.992 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] clearing hosts environments
17:10:32.992 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] clearing registry
17:10:32.992 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] removing pid file pids/
[main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] createAndStartServices service count 1
17:08:56.256 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] attempting to invoke : org.myrobotlab.service.Python named python
17:08:56.256 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService python
17:08:56.272 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 181 non-sub-routable methods
17:08:56.303 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(Python) :  - attempting upcasting
17:08:56.303 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:08:56.303 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] creating python python
17:08:56.303 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from time import sleep
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
from org.myrobotlab.service import Cli
cli = Runtime.getService("cli")
from org.myrobotlab.service import Python
python = Runtime.getService("python")
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
runtime = Runtime.getService("runtime")

17:08:57.178 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] Python System Path: ['C:\\MRL\\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4\\libraries\\jar\\Lib', '/C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/myrobotlab.jar/Lib', '__classpath__', '__pyclasspath__/', 'pythonModules']
17:08:57.990 [main] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/registered ---> python/onRegistered]
17:08:57.990 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] created python python
17:08:57.990 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] creating module directory pythonModules
17:08:58.069 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] starting python python
17:08:58.084 [main] INFO c.m.s.Python [] started python python
17:08:58.084 [main] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] attempting to invoke : python.execFile(C:\MRL\myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/ )

17:08:58.084 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
##                           ___  ________   _____ ______   ________  ________  ___      ___
##                          |\  \|\   ___  \|\   _ \  _   \|\   __  \|\   __  \|\  \    /  /|
##                          \ \  \ \  \\ \  \ \  \\\__\ \  \ \  \|\  \ \  \|\  \ \  \  /  / /
##                           \ \  \ \  \\ \  \ \  \\|__| \  \ \  \\\  \ \  \\\  \ \  \/  / /
##                            \ \  \ \  \\ \  \ \  \    \ \  \ \  \\\  \ \  \\\  \ \    / / 
##                             \ \__\ \__\\ \__\ \__\    \ \__\ \_______\ \_______\ \__/ /  
##                              \|__|\|__| \|__|\|__|     \|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__|/   

# this will run with versions of MRL above :

# ###################################################################################
# This is the full configurable launcher script for Inmoov service :
# MORE informations here :
# At this time configurable things are inside the config folder.
# By default virtual environment is started, so you can test things with no risk !
# To start using the Finger Starter with real hardware, set :
# ( The Finger Starter is considered here to be right index,
# so make sure your servo is connected to pin3 of you Arduino )
#   ScriptType=RightSide | inside config/_InMoov.config
#   MyRightPort=COMx | inside config/_service_6_Arduino.config
#   isRightHandActivated=True | inside config/skeleton_rightHand.config
#   voice command sample : OPEN HAND
# Check your configuration inside Inmoov.config
# Change voice and speech engine inside mouth.config
# If you setup 2 arduino + configs in skeleton folder, it can run full Inmoov or separated parts ( right hand / head ... )
# ###################################################################################

# Main inmoov service
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")

# robot checkup and initialisation ( skeleton & services )

# ###################################################################################
# WARNING : basic vocal commands ( activated only if chatbot is disable inside config/service_A_Chatbot.config )
# Go further ! you can find more basic vocal commands into inmoovVocal/ear.addCommand
# Go further !! you can find more associated functions into inmoovGestures
# Go further !!! you can find almost all chatbot vocal command into chatbot\bots\[lang]\aiml\_inmoovGestures.aiml
# ###################################################################################

ear.addCommand("attach your finger", "i01.rightHand.index", "attach") #to remove soon
ear.addCommand("disconnect your finger", "i01.rightHand.index", "detach")
ear.addCommand("open your finger", "python", "fingeropen")
ear.addCommand("close your finger", "python", "fingerclose")
ear.addCommand("finger to the middle", "python", "fingermiddle")

# functions called by the basic vocal commands engine
def fingeropen():
  talkBlocking("ok I open my finger")

def fingerclose():
  talkBlocking("my finger is closed")

def fingermiddle():
  talkBlocking("ok you have my attention") 

#Go further !!!! and write some code lines inside custom/
17:08:58.319 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01
17:08:58.366 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 292 non-sub-routable methods
17:08:58.569 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(InMoov) :  - attempting upcasting
17:08:58.569 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:08:58.569 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService python
17:08:58.569 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Python [] starting python python
17:08:58.569 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Python [] started python python
17:08:58.584 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(InMoov) :  - attempting upcasting
17:08:58.584 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:08:58.584 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import InMoov
i01 = Runtime.getService("i01")

17:08:58.850 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService subconsciousMouth
17:08:58.850 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 180 non-sub-routable methods
17:08:58.850 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:08:58.866 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:08:58.866 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:08:58.866 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:08:58.866 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import MarySpeech
subconsciousMouth = Runtime.getService("subconsciousMouth")

17:09:01.288 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for de from jtok/de
17:09:02.241 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for en from jtok/en
17:09:03.194 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for it from jtok/it
17:09:04.913 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for en from jtok/en
17:09:04.975 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for en from jtok/en
17:09:06.413 [python.interpreter.2] INFO d.d.l.t.t.JTok [] loading language resources for en from jtok/en
17:09:06.460 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService log
17:09:06.475 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 185 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:06.475 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(Log) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:06.475 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:06.475 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(Log) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:06.475 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:06.475 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Log
log = Runtime.getService("log")

17:09:06.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] setLogLevel INFO
17:09:06.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] setLogLevel INFO
17:09:16.845 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info _inmoov.config
17:09:16.861 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info ScriptType : Virtual
17:09:16.861 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info Language : en
17:09:17.548 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService webgui
17:09:17.564 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 205 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:17.564 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(WebGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:17.564 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:17.580 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(WebGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:17.580 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:17.580 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import WebGui
webgui = Runtime.getService("webgui")

17:09:17.580 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/registered ---> webgui/onRegistered]
17:09:17.580 [python.interpreter.2] WARN c.m.i.FileIO [] resource aleady exists - not extracting
17:09:17.673 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.nettosphere.Config$Builder$1 mapped to context-path: /stream
17:09:17.673 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed the following AtmosphereInterceptor mapped to AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.nettosphere.Config$Builder$1
17:09:17.673 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.nettosphere.Config$Builder$1 mapped to context-path: /api
17:09:17.673 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed the following AtmosphereInterceptor mapped to AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.nettosphere.Config$Builder$1
17:09:17.720 [python.interpreter.2] WARN o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] SessionSupport error. Make sure you also define org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport as a listener in web.xml, see…
17:09:17.783 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Atmosphere is using org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor for processing annotation
17:09:17.783 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.DefaultAnnotationProcessor [] AnnotationProcessor class org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor$BytecodeBasedAnnotationProcessor being used
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.SimpleHttpProtocol
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installing Default AtmosphereInterceptors
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.CorsInterceptor : CORS Interceptor Support
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.CacheHeadersInterceptor : Default Response's Headers Interceptor
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.PaddingAtmosphereInterceptor : Browser Padding Interceptor Support
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.AndroidAtmosphereInterceptor : Android Interceptor Support
17:09:17.908 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.HeartbeatInterceptor : Heartbeat Interceptor Support
17:09:17.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.SSEAtmosphereInterceptor : SSE Interceptor Support
17:09:17.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.JSONPAtmosphereInterceptor : JSONP Interceptor Support
17:09:17.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.JavaScriptProtocol : Atmosphere JavaScript Protocol
17:09:17.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.WebSocketMessageSuspendInterceptor : org.atmosphere.interceptor.WebSocketMessageSuspendInterceptor
17:09:17.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.OnDisconnectInterceptor : Browser disconnection detection
17:09:17.939 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []     org.atmosphere.interceptor.IdleResourceInterceptor : org.atmosphere.interceptor.IdleResourceInterceptor
17:09:17.939 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Set org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereInterceptor.disableDefaults to disable them.
17:09:17.939 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor CORS Interceptor Support with priority FIRST_BEFORE_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Default Response's Headers Interceptor with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Browser Padding Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Android Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.i.HeartbeatInterceptor [] HeartbeatInterceptor configured with padding value 'X', client frequency 60 seconds and server frequency 0 seconds
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Heartbeat Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor SSE Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor JSONP Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Atmosphere JavaScript Protocol with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor org.atmosphere.interceptor.WebSocketMessageSuspendInterceptor with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Browser disconnection detection with priority AFTER_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Installed AtmosphereInterceptor org.atmosphere.interceptor.IdleResourceInterceptor with priority BEFORE_DEFAULT
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Using EndpointMapper class org.atmosphere.util.DefaultEndpointMapper
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] WARN o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] No BroadcasterCache configured. Broadcasted message between client reconnection will be LOST. It is recommended to configure the org.atmosphere.cache.UUIDBroadcasterCache
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Default Broadcaster Class: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcaster
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Broadcaster Shared List Resources: false
17:09:17.955 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Broadcaster Polling Wait Time 100
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Shared ExecutorService supported: true
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Messaging Thread Pool Size: Unlimited
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Async I/O Thread Pool Size: 200
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Using BroadcasterFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Using AtmosphereResurceFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAtmosphereResourceFactory
17:09:17.970 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Using WebSocketProcessor: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Invoke AtmosphereInterceptor on WebSocket message true
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] HttpSession supported: true
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Atmosphere is using DefaultAtmosphereObjectFactory for dependency injection and object creation
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Atmosphere is using async support: org.atmosphere.container.NettyCometSupport running under container: Nettosphere/2.0
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework [] Atmosphere Framework 2.3.0 started.
17:09:17.986 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.c.AtmosphereFramework []

    For Atmosphere Framework Commercial Support, visit or send an email to

17:09:19.080 [python.interpreter.2] INFO o.a.n.Nettosphere [] NettoSphere 2.3.0 Started.
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.WebGui [] WebGui webgui started on port 8888
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [cli/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [cli/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [subconsciousMouth/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [subconsciousMouth/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [python/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [python/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [log/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [log/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/registered ---> webgui/onRegistered]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [webgui/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [webgui/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/registered ---> webgui/onRegistered]
17:09:19.095 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/released ---> webgui/onReleased]
17:09:19.158 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService AudioPlayer
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 187 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishAudioStart ---> python/onAudioStart]
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishAudioEnd ---> python/onAudioEnd]
17:09:19.174 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.AudioFile [] starting new track default
17:09:19.189 [default:track] INFO c.m.a.AudioProcessor [] playing file : C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/sounds/startupsound.mp3  mode : queued trackId : 1536710959174001
17:09:19.236 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:19.236 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:19.236 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import AudioFile
AudioPlayer = Runtime.getService("AudioPlayer")

17:09:19.252 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:19.252 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:19.252 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:19.252 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:21.218 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService SwingGui
17:09:21.232 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 210 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:21.243 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(SwingGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:21.243 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:21.248 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(SwingGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:21.252 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:21.252 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import SwingGui
SwingGui = Runtime.getService("SwingGui")

17:09:21.272 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(SwingGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:21.272 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:21.272 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [SwingGui/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:21.272 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [SwingGui/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:21.472 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] tabs size 0
17:09:21.472 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/released ---> SwingGui/removeTab]
17:09:21.472 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/registered ---> SwingGui/addTab]
17:09:21.478 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService SwingGui
17:09:21.932 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] buildTabPanels service count 9
17:09:21.943 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab AudioPlayer org.myrobotlab.swing.AudioFileGui
17:09:21.948 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Instantiator [] class org.myrobotlab.swing.AudioFileGui not found
17:09:21.948 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] could not construct a org.myrobotlab.swing.AudioFileGui object - creating generic template
17:09:21.953 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:21.953 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [AudioPlayer/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:21.998 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method NoGui.onState(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:21.999 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 56 methods
17:09:22.097 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab SwingGui org.myrobotlab.swing.SwingGuiGui
17:09:22.192 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService ImageDisplay
17:09:22.198 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 169 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:22.203 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:22.203 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:22.278 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:22.278 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:22.278 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import ImageDisplay
ImageDisplay = Runtime.getService("ImageDisplay")

17:09:22.405 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:22.405 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:22.458 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:22.458 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:22.458 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [ImageDisplay/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:22.458 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [ImageDisplay/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:23.014 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.ear
17:09:23.014 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 183 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:23.014 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey i01.ear for actual name i01.ear
17:09:23.019 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(WebkitSpeechRecognition) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.021 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:23.024 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.ear
17:09:23.024 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/listeningEvent ---> i01/onListeningEvent]
17:09:23.024 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/pauseListening ---> i01/onPauseListening]
17:09:23.029 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/recognized ---> i01/onRecognized]
17:09:23.029 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(WebkitSpeechRecognition) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.029 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:23.035 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import WebkitSpeechRecognition
i01_ear = Runtime.getService("i01.ear")

17:09:23.039 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(WebkitSpeechRecognition) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.039 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:23.074 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(WebkitSpeechRecognition) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.074 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:23.074 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:23.074 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:23.320 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [SwingGui/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:23.320 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [SwingGui/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:23.389 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/recognized ---> python/onRecognized]
17:09:23.389 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService chatBot
17:09:23.397 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 208 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:23.402 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.402 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:23.402 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.402 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:23.402 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import ProgramAB
chatBot = Runtime.getService("chatBot")

17:09:23.486 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.489 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:23.581 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:23.581 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:23.581 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [chatBot/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:23.589 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [chatBot/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:23.879 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab cli org.myrobotlab.swing.CliGui
17:09:23.889 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [cli/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:23.892 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [cli/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:24.024 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01 org.myrobotlab.swing.InMoovGui
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info mouth.config
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info Speechengine : MarySpeech
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info VoiceName : cmu-bdl-hsmm
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info Language : en
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.mouth
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 180 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:24.202 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey i01.mouth for actual name i01.mouth
17:09:24.202 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import MarySpeech
i01_mouth = Runtime.getService("i01.mouth")

17:09:24.208 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:24.209 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:24.209 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:24.209 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:24.259 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishStartSpeaking ---> python/onStartSpeaking]
17:09:24.339 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:24.339 [SwingGui_outbox_0] ERROR c.m.n.CommunicationManager [] could not find service i01.opencv to process addListener from sender SwingGui - tearing down route
17:09:26.007 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:24.594 [default:track] INFO c.m.s.AudioFile [] Audio File publishAudioEnd
17:09:26.008 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:26.009 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishEndSpeaking ---> python/onEndSpeaking]
17:09:26.010 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:26.011 [SwingGui_outbox_0] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] removeListener requested i01.opencv.send to be removed - but does not exist
17:09:26.012 [default:track] INFO c.m.a.AudioProcessor [] notifying others
17:09:26.013 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.mouth
17:09:26.033 [python.input] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:26.049 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishStartSpeaking ---> i01.ear/onStartSpeaking]
17:09:26.054 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishEndSpeaking ---> i01.ear/onEndSpeaking]
17:09:26.055 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] speakInternal Blocking false Text: ,
17:09:26.082 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] speakInternal Blocking true Text: Set language pack to english
17:09:26.193 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab log org.myrobotlab.swing.LogGui
17:09:26.303 [Thread-20] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Starting to speak: ,
17:09:26.353 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:26.353 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:09:26.587 [Thread-20] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Ok.. here we go.
17:09:27.037 [Thread-22] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Starting to speak: Set language pack to english
17:09:27.068 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:27.069 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:09:27.190 [Thread-22] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Ok.. here we go.
17:09:27.191 [Thread-20] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] End speaking: ,
17:09:27.192 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:27.604 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [log/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:27.605 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [log/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:27.629 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab python org.myrobotlab.swing.PythonGui
17:09:29.301 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [python/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:29.302 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [python/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:29.306 [python] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Python/
17:09:29.307 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
import sys
from javax.swing import JFrame
from javax.swing import JPanel
from javax.swing import JLabel
from javax.swing import JTextArea
from javax.swing import JScrollPane
from javax.swing import JTabbedPane
from javax.swing import WindowConstants
from java.awt import BorderLayout
from java.lang import Boolean

# myService is a local variable
# created to point to this Python
# service

class Console:

  def __init__(self):
    self.stdout = None
    self.stderr = None
  def write(self,string):
    myService.invoke("publishStdOut", string)
  def attach(self):
    if (self.stdout == None):   
      self.stdout = sys.stdout
      self.stderr = sys.stderr
      sys.stdout = self
      sys.stderr = self
  def flush(self):
  def detach(self):
    if (self.stdout != None):
      sys.stdout = self.stdout
      sys.stderr = self.stderr
      self.stdout = None
      self.stderr = None
console = Console()
17:09:29.382 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab runtime org.myrobotlab.swing.RuntimeGui
17:09:30.643 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:30.644 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [runtime/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.314 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab subconsciousMouth org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui
17:09:31.314 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Instantiator [] class org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui not found
17:09:31.315 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] could not construct a org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui object - creating generic template
17:09:31.315 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [subconsciousMouth/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.317 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [subconsciousMouth/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.319 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method NoGui.onState(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:31.319 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 56 methods
17:09:31.336 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab webgui org.myrobotlab.swing.WebGuiGui
17:09:31.338 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [webgui/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.338 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [webgui/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.450 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab ImageDisplay org.myrobotlab.swing.ImageDisplayGui
17:09:31.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Instantiator [] class org.myrobotlab.swing.ImageDisplayGui not found
17:09:31.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] could not construct a org.myrobotlab.swing.ImageDisplayGui object - creating generic template
17:09:31.454 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [ImageDisplay/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.454 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [ImageDisplay/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.468 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.ear org.myrobotlab.swing.WebkitSpeechRecognitionGui
17:09:31.472 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method NoGui.onState(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:31.472 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 56 methods
17:09:31.669 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.674 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.686 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab chatBot org.myrobotlab.swing.ProgramABGui
17:09:31.784 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [chatBot/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.785 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [chatBot/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.806 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.mouth org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui
17:09:31.806 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Instantiator [] class org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui not found
17:09:31.806 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] could not construct a org.myrobotlab.swing.MarySpeechGui object - creating generic template
17:09:31.806 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:31.807 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.mouth/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:31.811 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method NoGui.onState(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:31.824 [Thread-22] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] End speaking: Set language pack to english
17:09:32.136 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 56 methods
17:09:32.138 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] speakInternal Blocking true Text: Starting ears, WebkitSpeechRecognition
17:09:32.140 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:32.542 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710972542
17:09:32.542 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710972542
17:09:32.557 [Thread-25] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Starting to speak: Starting ears, WebkitSpeechRecognition
17:09:32.557 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:32.557 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:09:32.721 [Thread-25] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Ok.. here we go.
17:09:33.204 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973204
17:09:33.206 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/getMethodMap ---> webgui/onMethodMap]
17:09:33.209 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973209
17:09:33.280 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973280
17:09:33.281 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:33.310 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973310
17:09:33.311 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/onStartSpeaking ---> webgui/onOnStartSpeaking]
17:09:33.314 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973314
17:09:33.315 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/onEndSpeaking ---> webgui/onOnEndSpeaking]
17:09:33.317 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973317
17:09:33.318 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/onStartListening ---> webgui/onOnStartListening]
17:09:33.320 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973320
17:09:33.322 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/onStopListening ---> webgui/onOnStopListening]
17:09:33.326 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973326
17:09:33.327 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:33.330 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973330
17:09:33.331 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:33.332 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973332
17:09:33.332 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.ear/getMethodMap ---> webgui/onMethodMap]
17:09:33.334 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973334
17:09:33.335 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973335
17:09:33.543 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710973543
17:09:36.662 [Thread-25] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] End speaking: Starting ears, WebkitSpeechRecognition
17:09:36.665 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:36.745 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710976745
17:09:36.746 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >Sears website speak recognition<
17:09:36.752 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710976752
17:09:36.752 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >Sears website speak recognition<
17:09:36.755 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710976755
17:09:36.761 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:36.761 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:36.890 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710976890
17:09:37.630 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info ARDUINO.config
17:09:37.631 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info MyRightPort : COM4
17:09:37.632 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info MyLeftPort : COM3
17:09:37.632 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info BoardTypeMyRightPort : "atmega2560"
17:09:37.632 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info BoardTypeMyLeftPort : "atmega2560"
17:09:37.632 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info ArefLeftArduino : "DEFAULT"
17:09:37.633 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info ArefRightArduino : "DEFAULT"
17:09:37.647 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoright
17:09:37.654 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 185 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:37.712 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.717 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:37.726 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.726 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:37.726 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import VirtualArduino
varduinoright = Runtime.getService("varduinoright")

17:09:37.772 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.772 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:37.774 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:37.774 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:37.774 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoright.uart
17:09:37.777 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 234 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:37.777 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey varduinoright.uart for actual name varduinoright.uart
17:09:37.780 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.780 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:37.781 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:37.800 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.VirtualArduino [] setting board to type uno
17:09:37.801 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoright.uart
17:09:37.815 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Port [] opening port COM4.UART
17:09:37.816 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright.uart info varduinoright.uart publishConnect COM4.UART
17:09:37.816 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] connectToVirtualUart - creating uart COM4 <--> COM4.UART
17:09:37.816 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoleft
17:09:37.817 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 185 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:37.822 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoleft.uart
17:09:37.823 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 234 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:37.823 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey varduinoleft.uart for actual name varduinoleft.uart
17:09:37.824 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.824 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.957 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:37.964 [COM4.UART.portListener 1] INFO c.m.s.Port [] listening on port COM4.UART
17:09:37.973 [varduinoright.uart] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright.uart info varduinoright.uart connected to COM4.UART
17:09:38.033 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:38.034 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:38.034 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:38.034 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Serial
varduinoright_uart = Runtime.getService("varduinoright.uart")

17:09:38.038 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright.uart/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:38.054 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onRegistered(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.060 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import VirtualArduino
varduinoleft = Runtime.getService("varduinoleft")

17:09:38.063 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright.uart/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:38.070 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:09:38.073 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:38.083 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.085 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:38.096 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Serial
varduinoleft_uart = Runtime.getService("varduinoleft.uart")

17:09:38.098 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:38.098 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:38.103 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.VirtualArduino [] setting board to type uno
17:09:38.122 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft.uart/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:38.123 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onRegistered(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.127 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService varduinoleft.uart
17:09:38.172 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft.uart/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:38.173 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab varduinoright org.myrobotlab.swing.VirtualArduinoGui
17:09:38.173 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:09:38.173 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Port [] opening port COM3.UART
17:09:38.227 [varduinoright] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:38.228 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft.uart info varduinoleft.uart publishConnect COM3.UART
17:09:38.228 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] connectToVirtualUart - creating uart COM3 <--> COM3.UART
17:09:38.229 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.right
17:09:38.231 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 277 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:38.231 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation name [i01.right.serial] is replaced with [serial] Serial - serial device for this Arduino
17:09:38.241 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.244 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.244 [varduinoleft.uart] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft.uart info varduinoleft.uart connected to COM3.UART
17:09:38.258 [COM3.UART.portListener 2] INFO c.m.s.Port [] listening on port COM3.UART
17:09:38.464 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:38.379 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:38.466 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/boards.txt
17:09:38.465 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:38.477 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/MrlComm/MrlComm.ino
17:09:38.481 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.right.serial
17:09:38.481 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 234 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:38.482 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey i01.right.serial for actual name i01.right.serial
17:09:38.483 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:38.490 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right.serial info connect to port COM4 115200|8|1|0
17:09:38.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Port [] opening port COM4
17:09:38.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right.serial info i01.right.serial publishConnect COM4
17:09:38.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] setParams 115200 8 1 0
17:09:38.492 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] waiting for boardInfo lock..........
17:09:38.466 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:38.554 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.554 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:38.554 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Arduino
i01_right = Runtime.getService("i01.right")

17:09:38.562 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.562 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:38.562 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:38.562 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:38.563 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.563 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:38.563 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onRegistered(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.563 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:09:38.565 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Serial
i01_right_serial = Runtime.getService("i01.right.serial")

17:09:38.566 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right.serial/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:38.566 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right.serial/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:38.570 [varduinoright.mrlcomm] ERROR c.m.a.Msg [] writeByte overrun - should be  -32,768 <= value <= 32,767 - value = 23002268
17:09:38.573 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:38.641 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab varduinoright.uart org.myrobotlab.swing.SerialGui
17:09:38.645 [COM4.portListener 3] INFO c.m.s.Port [] listening on port COM4
17:09:38.652 [i01.right.serial] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right.serial info i01.right.serial connected to COM4
17:09:38.742 [i01.right] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right info i01.right connected to COM4
17:09:38.900 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:38.919 [i01.right] WARN c.m.f.Service [] already have active task "getBoardInfo"
17:09:38.933 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright.uart/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:38.933 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoright.uart/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:38.938 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] waited 445 ms for Arduino i01.right to say hello
17:09:38.940 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right info i01.right.serial connected on COM4 responded version 57 ... goodtimes...
17:09:38.941 [varduinoright.uart] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:38.947 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab varduinoleft org.myrobotlab.swing.VirtualArduinoGui
17:09:38.998 [varduinoleft] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:39.002 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.002 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.002 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.002 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.014 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.014 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.033 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:39.033 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:39.043 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab varduinoleft.uart org.myrobotlab.swing.SerialGui
17:09:39.061 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft.uart/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:39.062 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [varduinoleft.uart/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:39.099 [varduinoleft.uart] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:39.104 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.104 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.104 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.105 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.105 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.105 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.153 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.right org.myrobotlab.swing.ArduinoGui
17:09:39.190 [i01.right] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:39.191 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:39.560 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:39.971 [python.interpreter.2] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] Aref "DEFAULT" is unknown
17:09:39.971 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] set aref to "DEFAULT"
17:09:39.972 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.left
17:09:39.973 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 277 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:39.973 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation name [i01.left.serial] is replaced with [serial] Serial - serial device for this Arduino
17:09:39.978 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/boards.txt
17:09:39.981 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Arduino
i01_left = Runtime.getService("i01.left")

17:09:39.984 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:39.985 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:39.987 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/MrlComm/MrlComm.ino
17:09:40.009 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService i01.left.serial
17:09:40.010 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 234 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:40.010 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] found reservation exchanging reservedKey i01.left.serial for actual name i01.left.serial
17:09:40.010 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:40.012 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left.serial info connect to port COM3 115200|8|1|0
17:09:40.012 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Port [] opening port COM3
17:09:40.012 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left.serial info i01.left.serial publishConnect COM3
17:09:40.012 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] setParams 115200 8 1 0
17:09:40.013 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] waiting for boardInfo lock..........
17:09:40.014 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Serial
i01_left_serial = Runtime.getService("i01.left.serial")

17:09:40.014 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left.serial/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:40.014 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left.serial/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:40.016 [varduinoleft.mrlcomm] ERROR c.m.a.Msg [] writeByte overrun - should be  -32,768 <= value <= 32,767 - value = 3158379
17:09:40.419 [COM3.portListener 4] INFO c.m.s.Port [] listening on port COM3
17:09:40.420 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] waited 407 ms for Arduino i01.left to say hello
17:09:40.421 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left info i01.left.serial connected on COM3 responded version 57 ... goodtimes...
17:09:40.458 [i01.left.serial] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left.serial info i01.left.serial connected to COM3
17:09:40.769 [i01.left] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left info i01.left connected to COM3
17:09:40.769 [i01.left] WARN c.m.f.Service [] already have active task "getBoardInfo"
17:09:41.026 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:41.027 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:41.039 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:41.039 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:41.135 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710981135
17:09:41.136 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >read Harry Potter<
17:09:41.138 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710981138
17:09:41.138 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >read Harry Potter<
17:09:41.148 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710981148
17:09:41.149 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:41.149 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:41.301 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710981301
17:09:41.436 [python.interpreter.2] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] Aref "DEFAULT" is unknown
17:09:41.437 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] set aref to "DEFAULT"
17:09:41.589 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.right.serial org.myrobotlab.swing.SerialGui
17:09:41.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right.serial/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:41.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.right.serial/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:41.615 [i01.right.serial] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:41.644 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:41.645 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:41.645 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:41.645 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:42.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.left org.myrobotlab.swing.ArduinoGui
17:09:42.083 [i01.left] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:42.089 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:42.089 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:43.068 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:43.069 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:43.142 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab i01.left.serial org.myrobotlab.swing.SerialGui
17:09:43.157 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left.serial/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:43.157 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [i01.left.serial/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:43.158 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:43.159 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:43.164 [i01.left.serial] INFO c.m.s.Serial [] loading class: org.myrobotlab.serial.PortJSSC
17:09:43.178 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onPortNames(ArrayList) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:43.181 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:43.181 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method PortGui.onState(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:43.182 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 61 methods
17:09:43.200 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/boards.txt
17:09:43.382 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.i.FileIO [] looking for /resource/Arduino/boards.txt
17:09:43.951 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info NEOPIXEL.config
17:09:43.952 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info NeopixelMaster : left
17:09:43.953 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info masterArduinoPort : Serial2
17:09:43.953 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info isNeopixelActivated : False
17:09:43.953 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info pin : 2
17:09:43.953 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info numberOfPixel : 16
17:09:45.088 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService htmlFilter
17:09:45.090 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] getMessageSet loading 168 non-sub-routable methods
17:09:45.091 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.registered(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.092 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:09:45.093 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] Runtime.createService chatBot
17:09:45.093 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] speakInternal Blocking true Text: Alert! can I have your attention please !
17:09:45.142 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Python.onRegistered(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.142 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 181 methods
17:09:45.142 [python] INFO c.m.s.Python [] exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import HtmlFilter
htmlFilter = Runtime.getService("htmlFilter")

17:09:45.238 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method WebGui.onRegistered(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.239 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 205 methods
17:09:45.239 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [htmlFilter/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:09:45.239 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [htmlFilter/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:09:45.367 [chatBot] INFO c.m.s.ProgramAB [] Done saving predicates.
17:09:45.373 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.addTab(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.374 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:09:45.374 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onRegistered(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.374 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:09:45.407 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] createTab htmlFilter org.myrobotlab.swing.HtmlFilterGui
17:09:45.408 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Instantiator [] class org.myrobotlab.swing.HtmlFilterGui not found
17:09:45.408 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.SwingGui [] could not construct a org.myrobotlab.swing.HtmlFilterGui object - creating generic template
17:09:45.409 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [htmlFilter/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:09:45.409 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [htmlFilter/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:09:45.493 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method NoGui.onState(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:09:45.493 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 56 methods
17:09:45.543 [Thread-30] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Starting to speak: Alert! can I have your attention please !
17:09:45.554 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:45.554 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:09:45.661 [Thread-30] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Ok.. here we go.
17:09:45.920 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710985920
17:09:45.921 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >Oprah Harry Potter<
17:09:45.922 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710985922
17:09:45.925 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >Oprah Harry Potter<
17:09:45.928 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710985928
17:09:45.928 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:45.928 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:09:49.155 [Thread-30] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] End speaking: Alert! can I have your attention please !
17:09:49.157 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:49.170 [python.interpreter.2] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] python error PyException - null Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 41, in <module>
  File "InMoov/system/", line 49, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/", line 51, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/", line 70, in errorSpokenFunc
    print errorSpokenAlert.decode('utf-8')
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'errorSpokenAlert' referenced before assignment

    at org.python.core.Py.UnboundLocalError(
    at org.python.core.PyFrame.getlocal(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx30.errorSpokenFunc$1(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx30.call_function(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/
    at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx63.f$0(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx63.call_function(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile_flags(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.BuiltinFunctions.__call__(
    at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx4.f$0(InMoov/system/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx4.call_function(InMoov/system/
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile_flags(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.BuiltinFunctions.__call__(
    at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx2.f$0(<string>:76)
    at org.python.pycode._pyx2.call_function(<string>)
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.Py.exec(
    at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(
    at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$

17:09:49.176 [python.interpreter.2] ERROR c.m.l.Logging [] ------
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 41, in <module>
  File "InMoov/system/", line 49, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/", line 51, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/", line 70, in errorSpokenFunc
    print errorSpokenAlert.decode('utf-8')
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'errorSpokenAlert' referenced before assignment

    at org.python.core.Py.UnboundLocalError(
    at org.python.core.PyFrame.getlocal(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx30.errorSpokenFunc$1(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx30.call_function(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/
    at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx63.f$0(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx63.call_function(C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile_flags(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.BuiltinFunctions.__call__(
    at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx4.f$0(InMoov/system/
    at org.python.pycode._pyx4.call_function(InMoov/system/
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile_flags(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile(
    at org.python.core.BuiltinFunctions.__call__(
    at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(
    at org.python.pycode._pyx2.f$0(<string>:76)
    at org.python.pycode._pyx2.call_function(<string>)
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
    at org.python.core.Py.exec(
    at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(
    at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$

17:09:49.196 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710989196
17:09:56.052 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710996052
17:09:56.052 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >because it's so good it is so good<
17:09:56.055 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710996055
17:09:56.055 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >because it's so good it is so good<
17:09:56.056 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710996056
17:09:56.057 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:09:56.057 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:09:56.079 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536710996079
17:10:00.904 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711000904
17:10:00.905 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >I might be able to<
17:10:00.909 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711000909
17:10:00.910 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >I might be able to<
17:10:00.914 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711000914
17:10:00.915 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:00.915 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:10:00.927 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711000927
17:10:06.652 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711006652
17:10:06.652 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:06.653 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:10:06.680 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711006680
17:10:13.861 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711013861
17:10:13.862 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >people should read the book Thief<
17:10:13.863 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711013863
17:10:13.864 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Recognized : >people should read the book Thief<
17:10:13.872 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711013872
17:10:13.873 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:13.873 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:10:13.926 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711013926
17:10:16.043 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711016043
17:10:16.044 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:16.044 [New I/O worker #4] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:10:16.065 [New I/O worker #4] WARN c.m.c.ApiFactory [] msg . --> runtime.getEnvironments() - 1536711016065
17:10:21.185 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] shutting down in 0 seconds
17:10:21.185 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] mrl shutdown
17:10:21.185 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service cli
17:10:21.185 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] cli info saving cli.json
17:10:21.186 [cli] INFO c.m.f.Service [] cli info shutting down
17:10:21.196 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Cli) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.197 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.197 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.left.serial
17:10:21.198 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left.serial info saving i01.left.serial.json
17:10:21.200 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(Cli) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.201 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.202 [i01.left.serial] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left.serial info shutting down
17:10:21.202 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(Cli) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.202 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.239 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.239 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.239 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service python
17:10:21.239 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] python info saving python.json
17:10:21.244 [python] INFO c.m.f.Service [] python info shutting down
17:10:21.248 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.248 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.249 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(Serial) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.249 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.346 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Python) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.346 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.347 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service chatBot
17:10:21.347 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.ProgramAB [] Done saving predicates.
17:10:21.347 [python.input] INFO c.m.f.Service [] python info shutting down python.input
17:10:21.347 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.ProgramAB [] no bot - don't need to write and quit
17:10:21.347 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(Python) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.348 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] chatBot info saving chatBot.json
17:10:21.348 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.349 [chatBot] INFO c.m.f.Service [] chatBot info shutting down
17:10:21.349 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(Python) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.351 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.403 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.403 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.403 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service varduinoleft.uart
17:10:21.404 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft.uart info saving varduinoleft.uart.json
17:10:21.405 [varduinoleft.uart] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft.uart info shutting down
17:10:21.406 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.406 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.409 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(ProgramAB) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.409 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.437 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service htmlFilter
17:10:21.437 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] htmlFilter info saving htmlFilter.json
17:10:21.439 [htmlFilter] INFO c.m.f.Service [] htmlFilter info shutting down
17:10:21.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service log
17:10:21.451 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info saving log.json
17:10:21.452 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.452 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.452 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(HtmlFilter) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.452 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.453 [log] INFO c.m.f.Service [] log info shutting down
17:10:21.470 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Log) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.470 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.470 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service varduinoright.uart
17:10:21.470 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright.uart info saving varduinoright.uart.json
17:10:21.472 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(Log) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.473 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.475 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(Log) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.476 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.476 [varduinoright.uart] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright.uart info shutting down
17:10:21.579 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service AudioPlayer
17:10:21.579 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] AudioPlayer info saving AudioPlayer.json
17:10:21.582 [AudioPlayer] INFO c.m.f.Service [] AudioPlayer info shutting down
17:10:21.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service varduinoright
17:10:21.603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright info saving varduinoright.json
17:10:21.604 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.604 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.605 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(AudioFile) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.605 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.605 [varduinoright] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoright info shutting down
17:10:21.639 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.639 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:21.639 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.right.serial
17:10:21.639 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right.serial info saving i01.right.serial.json
17:10:21.643 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.643 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:21.644 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(VirtualArduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:21.644 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:21.646 [i01.right.serial] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right.serial info shutting down
17:10:21.732 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service webgui
17:10:21.732 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] webgui info saving webgui.json
17:10:21.771 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.WebGui [] stopping nettosphere
17:10:22.772 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(WebGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.772 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:22.773 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.right
17:10:22.773 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(WebGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.773 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right info saving i01.right.json
17:10:22.773 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:22.780 [i01.right] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.right info shutting down
17:10:22.780 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(WebGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.781 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:22.819 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.821 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:22.822 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.822 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:22.822 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(Arduino) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:22.822 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:22.823 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01
17:10:22.823 [i01] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01 info shutting down
17:10:22.824 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01 info saving i01.json
17:10:22.848 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.InMoov [] InMoov Native Rest Gesture Called
17:10:22.849 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] speakInternal Blocking true Text: Extinguish my system, please wait 10 seconds
17:10:23.056 [Thread-32] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Starting to speak: Extinguish my system, please wait 10 seconds
17:10:23.066 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:23.066 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:10:23.167 [Thread-32] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] Ok.. here we go.
17:10:27.365 [Thread-32] INFO c.m.s.MarySpeech [] End speaking: Extinguish my system, please wait 10 seconds
17:10:27.366 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Start listening event seen.
17:10:31.867 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(InMoov) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:31.868 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:31.869 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service SwingGui
17:10:31.869 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method SwingGui.removeTab(InMoov) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:31.871 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 210 methods
17:10:31.872 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method RuntimeGui.onReleased(InMoov) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:31.874 [SwingGui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 76 methods
17:10:31.996 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] SwingGui info saving SwingGui.json
17:10:32.019 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(SwingGui) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.019 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.019 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service varduinoleft
17:10:32.019 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft info saving varduinoleft.json
17:10:32.022 [varduinoleft] INFO c.m.f.Service [] varduinoleft info shutting down
17:10:32.039 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.ear
17:10:32.039 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.ear info saving i01.ear.json
17:10:32.043 [i01.ear] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.ear info shutting down
17:10:32.061 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] Stop listening event seen.
17:10:32.061 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] micNotListening
17:10:32.062 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(WebkitSpeechRecognition) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.062 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.062 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.mouth
17:10:32.062 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.mouth info saving i01.mouth.json
17:10:32.064 [i01.mouth] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.mouth info shutting down
17:10:32.070 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(MarySpeech) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service subconsciousMouth
17:10:32.078 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subconsciousMouth info saving subconsciousMouth.json
17:10:32.081 [subconsciousMouth] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subconsciousMouth info shutting down
17:10:32.084 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service i01.left
17:10:32.085 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left info saving i01.left.json
17:10:32.090 [i01.left] INFO c.m.f.Service [] i01.left info shutting down
17:10:32.106 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] stopping service ImageDisplay
17:10:32.106 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] ImageDisplay info saving ImageDisplay.json
17:10:32.110 [ImageDisplay] INFO c.m.f.Service [] ImageDisplay info shutting down
17:10:32.118 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] no such method Runtime.released(ImageDisplay) :  - attempting upcasting
17:10:32.118 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] searching through 278 methods
17:10:32.118 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info saving runtime.json
17:10:32.118 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info we cant serialize runtime yet
17:10:32.119 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] clearing hosts environments
17:10:32.119 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] clearing registry
17:10:32.119 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO c.m.s.Runtime [] removing pid file pids/agent.20180911.170854897.8580/
17:10:32.120 [runtime_outbox_0] ERROR c.m.n.CommunicationManager [] could not find service webgui to process onReleased from sender runtime - tearing down route
17:10:32.121 [runtime_outbox_0] ERROR c.m.n.CommunicationManager [] could not find service SwingGui to process removeTab from sender runtime - tearing down route
17:10:32.121 [runtime_outbox_0] ERROR c.m.n.CommunicationManager [] could not find service SwingGui to process onReleased from sender runtime - tearing down route
17:10:32.121 [runtime] INFO c.m.f.Service [] runtime info shutting down

You have an error in your Python scripts, I don't know how often I have to repeat this.

17:09:49.170 [python.interpreter.2] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] python error PyException - null Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 41, in <module>
  File "InMoov/system/", line 49, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov/services/", line 51, in <module>
  File "C:/MRL/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.4/InMoov//system/", line 70, in errorSpokenFunc
    print errorSpokenAlert.decode('utf-8')
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'errorSpokenAlert' referenced before assignment

I don't know if this error exists (or existed) in the upstream version or if this error was introduced by changes you might did.

At this point, I'm not really able to help you anymore. I suggest you try and ask @moz4r for help.

Did you disable the chatbot in your config?

Because if you just disable in mrl and run the inmoov script it will give errors.

But why do you need to disable the chatbot? You can run mrl and build together what you need for yourself. You could download the latest version from here and try that out. Might be a bug that we missed. But my guess is you did something wrong along the way and did not notice it. Also try to use c:\mrl and not C:\MRL

it might throw an error. Dont know for sure. 

If you can run mrl in normal fashion, then it is related to something you have done wrong, and we cant figure that out for you, remember, you cant just disable during a running script something and everything goes right. If you disable the chatbot in your config files then it should not give an error.

Also Python is very sensitive to punctuation. A wrong . or , or ( will give errors. So you you could try disabling chatbot in config, disable vinmoov and leave all min/max as is, so no editing in the script. But be carefull that your servos dont exceed your limits on your robot, so keep a hand on the power. And run it then. Then you know if the original script is fault or you did something wrong. But looking at your log i think you didnt disable chatbot in config and you made an error putting in your data in the script.


But we cant see from a distance without knowing what you did, what is wrong. You would have to compare period by period and letter by letter the original script and your adapted script. But there are some tools that can do that.


6 years 1 month ago

In reply to by moz4r

I try that, it fix the problem  with the chat bot, but create a new bucnh of problems, also change the male voice to female and is not good.

I will try to answer your questions in order:

I disable the chatbot in Inmoov\config\service_A_Chatbot.config

I am try to disable chatbot because I want to use gestures and  I found this in the log:


# ###################################################################################
# WARNING : basic vocal commands ( activated only if chatbot is disable inside config/service_A_Chatbot.config )

I have done the folowing test:

After reinstalling  everything, I only disable the chatbot, program crash,

I take a diffrent PC, same Windos  10 version, install myrobotlab  disable only the chatbot and same problem.

I Install  myrobotlab version 1.0.2693.2 from Gael web site, I just disable Chatbot only and same problem.

I have not change any script, I only change the servo defaults  using servo calibration to my servo limits.

I apreciate you taking the time to help. Thanks!


Yes that is all chatbot commands related to inmoov gestures. They are already embeded ( you can find those files inside chatbot folder to view / mod them.

Those commands are calling gestures files inside gesture folder.

Where I have to put this files, in wich folder in MRL? There are  any tutorial that tech how to use them

I try to use a command to close  left hand, but nothing hapen

Did you enable the chatbot?

You have to give us more info to help you, you only say i try command but nothing happened. Did you send a noworky, what version are you now on. and so on.

The more data you give, the better we can help. We really want to help you, but you have to provide us with something to check.

There will be coming new tutorials begin october.  And this will also be covered.

I do not disable chatbot because the program crash, I try to follow Gael tutorial, but didn't work, I do no see any text with the servo positions, in the python screen  I found this messages

Arduino  COM5  OK
software mouthcontrol activation
earCommands_english  not loaded because chatbot is activated
earCommands_french  not loaded because chatbot is activated
earCommands_german  not loaded because chatbot is activated

What this means?  Chatbot must be deactivated for the commands to work.

I send the log .


Inside your noworky log : captureGesture() command was broken inside Manticore version, fixed just few days ago inside Nixie, the last beta build :

About existing gestures, inside your folder InMoov\chatbot\bots\en-US\aiml\_inmoovGestures.aiml you will find every available commands for gestures inside gestures folder.

About message : "earCommands_english  not loaded because chatbot is activated", that just means classical vocal commands are disabled because chatbot is activated, you don't need them, if you use chatbot. Those simple commands are used if chatbot=False ( Fixed also inside Nixie ) . Commands also used inside some diy script like :…

So you can chose to use full conversationnal chatbot + gestures, or simple commands for gestures. We cannot use both at once, for now.

I probably doing thinks wrong, but this is what I did with the myrobotlab.jar  I got from the link you send me.

First  I copy the new myrobotlab.jar in my mrl folder and run STAR_INMOOV.bat as normally do to statrt the program, it run for  a few moments  but never start.


I run a new installation replacing the existing myrobotlab.jar with the new one, but it run for a moment  and no new installation  was created.

I am using Gael set of files.

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you hairygael, I install the new version, it is overall better than the one I had before,but still issues:

"capture gesture" is not understand by the robot,  I it type directly in the chatbot, robot response "I am Capturing this Gestures" but nothing show in the python window. Also when I move the servos with the arrows, some time that window froze, you can not move any servo. I send the log.


Thanks for your help again.


6 years 1 month ago

Mmmh that is odd.

I uploaded this morning the version on InMoov website which contains other fix, can you install that one and test?

It will create two InMoov sub-directories:

-InMoov         (This contains all the new fix)

-InMoov.old   (This will contain your config files)


The change log:

-Fix the mouth error at start (NaturalReaderSpeech tried to start cmu-bdl-hsmm)

-Fix the voice command SHOW ME A PICTURE OF XXXX

-Fix the command CLOSE THE IMAGE

-Added more variant for the SHAKE HAND command

-Added an option for the robot to sing, Voice command CAN YOU SING

Hi Gael

I download the new version, some improvment, the new "sing a song" is very cool. Here is what happening:

When myrobotlab finish starting the MRL window got frozen, I close the CMD window and then the MRL windo works again, I typing in the chatbot "capture gesture" because with the micro does not work. I dont think is a micro problem, he understand everything else.  it does some capture but also an error.

This is what I got on the python window:

------Traceback (most recent call last):  File string, line 1, in module  File C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\, line 9, in captureGesture    print i01.moveArm(
ight\,+str(i01.rightArm.bicep.getPos())+,+str(i01.rightArm.rotate.getPos())+,+str(i01.rightArm.shoulder.getPos())+,+str(i01.rightArm.omoplate.getPos())+)AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute bicep    at org.python.core.Py.AttributeError(    at org.python.core.PyObject.noAttributeError(    at org.python.core.PyObject.__getattr__(    at org.python.pycode._pyx137.captureGesture$1(C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\    at org.python.pycode._pyx137.call_function(C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\    at    at    at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(    at org.python.pycode._pyx304.f$0(string:1)    at org.python.pycode._pyx304.call_function(string)    at    at    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(    at org.python.core.Py.exec(    at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(    at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$



6 years ago

If somone is using this version 1.0.2693.7 I apreciate a help, when using it in virtual mode everything work perfect, then I start enabling arduinos (full), enabling head, eyelids and mouth, this part is working ok (but some time the robot repet himself you hear two voices), then I enable the arms and hands, at this point the MRL window froze, if I close the CMD window, it release the MRL window, I want to explain that I have not creted anything  I just change the servo values to my values.

Then I try to create a gesture following Gael instructions, but the robot does not recognize the words "capture gestore" so I went to the chatbot window and I typing the words capture gesture, the robot confirmI went to the python window  to copy the data and I found this error:

------Traceback (most recent call last):  File string, line 1, in module  File C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\, line 5, in captureGesture    print i01.moveArm(\left\,+str(i01.leftArm.bicep.getPos())+,+str(i01.leftArm.rotate.getPos())+,+str(i01.leftArm.shoulder.getPos())+,+str(i01.leftArm.omoplate.getPos())+)AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute bicep    at org.python.core.Py.AttributeError(    at org.python.core.PyObject.noAttributeError(    at org.python.core.PyObject.__getattr__(    at org.python.pycode._pyx117.captureGesture$1(C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\    at org.python.pycode._pyx117.call_function(C:/mrl/myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7/InMoov/gestures\    at    at    at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(    at org.python.pycode._pyx281.f$0(string:1)    at org.python.pycode._pyx281.call_function(string)    at    at    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(    at org.python.core.Py.exec(    at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(    at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$

in general the default gestures  don't work  



Maybe it's time to do a remote access and see what you have, what your install is like and what it does. I tried the manticore .7 and get no errors. So there has to be something you missed.

You can email me if you want to do remote session. Can be done through team viewer or chrome. I prefer team viewer. Send email to wvantoorn (at) gmail dot com . Don't know about time difference, I'm from holland so keep in mind if there is time difference.


Let me know.

Gr. Wilco

Maybe it's time to do a remote access and see what you have, what your install is like and what it does. I tried the manticore .7 and get no errors. So there has to be something you missed.

You can email me if you want to do remote session. Can be done through team viewer or chrome. I prefer team viewer. Send email to wvantoorn (at) gmail dot com . Don't know about time difference, I'm from holland so keep in mind if there is time difference.


Let me know.

Gr. Wilco