WebGui says 'not installed". When trying to install MRL says to complete and to restart. I restart and WebGui still says "not installed" What am I doing wrong?


8 years 10 months ago

Hello tdp378,

I'm lazy so i'll just copy what Alessandruino said because i think it's the aswer

Seems like you are using an old version of myrobotlab (1.0.119) ...

Delete the old folder or just make a new one and install the latest myrobotlab.jar inside...

Here is where you can find the latest : http://mrl-bucket-01.s3.amazonaws.com/current/develop/myrobotlab.jar

Once you install all the services, open the arduino service and copy the .ino sketch which appear in the tab... Then use the normal Arduino IDE to upload it to your arduino UNO...

Let us know
