Got my InMoov built and can control right hand and arm servos with InMoovArm and InMoovHand after selecting board and ComPort
Wanted to create a gesture with the InMoovGestureCreator but am stuck as I can not make the servos move.
As of the documentation I start InMoovGestureCreator and then InMoov. I select right hand and arm and can add the list of servos positions into the right window.
Nothing happens when I press Connect, Test or when activating MoveRealTime and adjust the sliders.
I assume I have a missing step that connects the Creator with the machine?
Hey, I don't know what is
I don't know what is wrong and since I don't own an InMoov I can't test if it still works. Maybe you want to send a noworky?
Also I do not know if I get the time to look into it in the next 14 days. After that I have plenty of time.
A few links that might help you:
- the service page:
--> here you can find detailed information on the functions, a basic usage guide, a functions map & a few links
- the previous post:…
--> some (mostly old) information
- gael's video:
--> a video covering the basic usage