hello i am new to the world of myrobotlab and programing and i have a question about the chatbot ...i installed myrobotlab via the inmoov tutorial that i am now constructing...at first i installed everything with the 32 bit java version ....the chatbot was answering my questions and all....i noticed that i was running a 64 bit windows version ...so i installed the 64 bit java version....then the chatbot stoped answering ...????
Hi! Welcome..
So, it's very important that if you're running a 64 bit operating system. you must install myrobotlab with the 64 bit java.
If you accidentally used 32 bit java on a 64 bit machine, you must delete your install directory.. upgrade to java 64 bit. Once you know for certain that you're using 64 big java... then download myrobotlab.jar
and run the typical "java -jar myrobotlab.jar -install" command
This will make sure you have the correct libraries installed. Anything short of that will cause strange .. very strange.. behaviors.
Also, have a look in the "myrobotlab.log" file. You will likely see some error messages in there as to what might be happening.
inmoov chatbot
ok thank you very much for your answer,,, i will follow your instructions, it make sens
i wll post back for the follow up
hello again ...i flushed everything and reinstalled it ,,,and wow it all works well ...even a virtual inmoove thats talks to me ....but now i have to try to install vinmoov...the virtual version and also try to understand how to make my left hand move ..its all done with the finger sensors ...i also have to install the myrobotlab programe to my NUVISION win 10 tablet that will be running the robot.....i am doing baby steps in that sphere of expertise
thanks again for the help
I suggest that you first test
I suggest that you first test everything on your pc, because the tablet is much slower in power so to start and get to know everything it would be easier to look at a bigger screen. Then after you get how everything works you could setup on the tablet.
Good Times on the vinmoov!
learning myrobotlab
ok ...yes i will do what you suggest..i am in a learning process....still trying to understand how to make my inmoove left harm with sensors work ...
start simple build it up
Hey there!
I think it's great, you've got the right apporach to learning MRL. Keep it simple to start. I'd recommend start by starting an arduino service, followed by starting a servo service. Attach the servo the the arduino, and see that you can move it! That's one big success!
Next, add the rest of the servos... move them! Then add a mouth so it can speak, and an ear so it can hear, and a brain (programab) so it can think about what it's heard and respond ...
Add some eyes, so it can see (opencv) .. add some memory so it can remember...
Tell us more about the sensors that you are using in the arm, perhaps we can give some guidance on how best to integrate and get them working!
good luck & happy roboting