...complete newbie to MyRobotLab...
I have the Adafruit16CServoDriver working, now I am looking to try getting Tracking working with Adafruit16CServoDriver but am not getting anywhere. I have tried everything I can think of, but can't get anything to work. Is the PCA9685 PWM controller a lost cause for InMoov?
I was hoping for a simpler/cheaper alternative to using the NervoBoard and consuming all the pins on the Arduino...
Hi bcarroll
That is the exact reason that I spent time on the Adafruit16CServoDriver. So we have the same goal.
Could you please upload the script that you are testing with and if it doesn't work, please send a no-worky. The goal is that the Adafruit16CServoDriver should work to replace the Arduino in most cases. I use it in my inMoov build. But I write my own scripts to use it. So many of the InMoov services remain to be tested and examples updated with how to use it.
Mats, Looks like you already accomplished this
I found a python script in your github repo that seems to do exactly what I am trying to accomplish.
I am going to throw out the script I was testing with and use yours as a base to see if that helps get things moving.
no-worky sent
I tried running your Tracking script (only changed the serial port for the arduino).
[python.interpreter.3] [ERROR] python error PyException - null Traceback (most recent call last):
instead of
instead of servodriver.attach() you should use
servodriver.setController(controllerName, i2cBus, I2cAddress)
for arduino i2cBus is always 1