Hi Everyone,
I followed these code to try to get kinect gesture worked only on left arm. the modified code shown below:
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01","InMoov")
leftPort = "COM8"
but Myrobotlab always throw an exception that says NullPointerException happened at org.myrobotlab.service.pid.setMode(Pid.java:261)
the Kinect can be connected and the log shows "start Skeleton Tracking" but the servos don't move. Please help. Thanks.
PID initiation order
There was a problem in the InMoov service. The order that the Pid service was initiated was incorrect. I changed it so that part should work in the latest ( >= 1771) build. Please download it from "latest build" in the shoutbox and make a new test.
I have not been able to make a complete test, since I don't have a full InMoov and I haven't been able to get my Kinect worky.
Any more progress on this?
Any more progress on this? I'm running basically the same code on mrl 2170, and I don't get any errors but it doesn't write the new values to the servos. The openni service does show the kinect feed and skeleton.