Remotely debugging the myrobotlab Java source code
I want to have the facility to debug the myrobotlab Java source code for an instance of myrobotlab that runs on a remote device
One scenario is to have myrobotlab running on a Raspberry Pi and then debug that instance with the Eclipse IDE running on a separate host (Windows laptop)
I have this working up to a point.
I have this working now. See here
See video below showing the Eclipise debugger stepping through /src/org/myrobotlab/service/ for a myrobotlab instance running on a Raspberry Pi
One challenge that remains is to have this set up be able to debug other myrobotlab Java services outside of /src/org/myrobotlab/service/
X11 forwarding the Raspberry Pi display
Great video Rolf ! As
Great video Rolf !
As kwatters mentioned, you are debugging the "Agent" and not the mrl instance.
The Agent spawns the mrl instance with a big long command line. It's easy to see the command line in the console when you start mrl normally.
So, if you want to debug an instance of mrl use that command line plus your remote debugging parameters.
Woot !
So (in my case) - the whole
So (in my case) - the whole huge gigantitc command line would be ....
everyones will differ slightly, but be available in the console...
Remote Java debugging fully worky
Hey Grog and Kwatters
Remote Java debugging now fully worky :)