Hi GroG

This is the error I get. The Arduino IDE shows the spash screen and then stops with this message:



7 years 8 months ago

Hi Mats,
Thanks for the help.

Did you do a pull with no conflicts ?

enforcing correct case sensitivity can be challenging on Windows...

Does the file exist ?  If not, how is it "off" ?

I noticed you had quotes around your path ... did you try unquoted ?  

I would think unquoted is more likely to work - since the text box value get changed to a string, and I think the ArduinoUtils don't need it quoted .. (not positive)

Perhaps we should have a directory browse button - to take these variables and complexity out of the equation :D

Poderia me passa o seu myrobotlab para download, o meu nao acessa arduino. e meu acapellaspeech tambem nao funciona