How can i use leap motion with the servos so i can make the servos move with my hand gestures like the original project on the inmoov website.

No... that script should run in myrobotlab..using the python tab... which version of myrobotlab are you using?

I would suggest you, to start easier... moving a servo from myrobotlab...

here is a video about how to setup/install myrobotlab software and arduino/servo services...

Let me know when you managed to move a single servo in that way...



8 years 4 months ago

Nvm I'm sure it does work, but in the script it asks which com port it is connected to and I don't see a com port that is leap motion it identifies as a USB hub so what do I do. What did u do

Leap is connected to another USB port... Comunication with Leap is handled by myrobotlab.... 

Did you run the code in the example in a python tab? which error you gets?
