
Here is a little video of Sweety learning the kinect power

For now, it's not totally accurate, but it's not bad . Not a lot place at home, so the kinect wasn't in front of me, so some error of move, are caused by this. I've just some problem with the shoulders, i can't copy gesture " hand up " but i'm working on it

The video should be displayed in 16/9, but seem to be displayed in 4/3 , sorry for that . anyway it's a good thing, i'm thin and taller lol




9 years 3 months ago

Well Done Beetle ! :D

_clap_ _clap_ _clap_ _clap_ _clap_ _clap_ _clap_ _clap_ 

I'm very impressed with your capabilities - and its neat to see a non-InMoov anthropomorphic bot using MRL !  Do you use InMoov scripts at all ? Do you use parts of them ?

Well done !


thx . I don't use inmoov script at all, but some part that a modify for the needs of Sweety . For the kinect, i've copied the java function in inmoov service and changed the mapping :

// re-mapping of skeleton !
openni.skeleton.leftElbow.mapXY(0, 180, leftForearmMin, leftForearmMax); //
openni.skeleton.rightElbow.mapXY(0, 180, rightForearmMax, rightForearmMin);
openni.skeleton.leftShoulder.mapYZ(0, 180, leftShoulderMin, leftShoulderMax); //
openni.skeleton.rightShoulder.mapYZ(0, 180, rightShoulderMax, rightShoulderMin);
openni.skeleton.leftShoulder.mapXY(0, 180, leftShoulderMax, leftShoulderMin);

openni.skeleton.rightShoulder.mapXY(0, 180, rightShoulderMin, rightShoulderMax);//

I've also used the jaw/speak sync of inmoov to write my mouthLed / speak sync .

For control the wheels, i writed all . But it's very usefull to look python script and java code from other members to learn and understand how to do some things. And if the code already exist, why re-invent the wheel !

It was long to build Sweety and he's not totally finish, but now it's time to play with him and have fun !



9 years 3 months ago

whoww, you have fast movements with your arms!!

tried to run openni on my raspi 2 but get error for not finding SimpleOpenNI. I then tried to add the folder path to PATH but that did not help.

Any hint?