Hi, here is some news about my robot "Sweety" .

The hands are done (grippers) :

I've made board to connect the servos :

The IDE connector go to the arduino, On the left the two green connectors are for 5V and 6V

I've also made a power board  :

There is still some wire connections to do but it will move again soon 

And this is how it look today :

That all ! Videos will come when the wiring will be done



9 years 12 months ago

Wow Beetlejuice ! 

You've got a lot done ! Looks Great ! Very cute :)

Excited to see it move and perhaps some of the things we learn moving Azul around can be used by Sweety's platform - e.g. navigation and such :D


9 years 12 months ago

hello  Beetlejuice

very nice your robot lol

now you need a 3d printer for build a very nice design

we wait videos?