Ya - the idea is to communicate verbally, but the weak link now is the Speech Recognition...
A coupld strategies include :
figure out how Sphinx works and improve it (a fine goal - as this is the only open source system we are currently working with - but not a "small" challenge.
get MRL running on android - connect a smartphone to other instances of MRL. The Android uses Google speech to text - and it seems fast(ish) ... This would be cool on 2 levels .. 1. because it would be using MRL as a distributed system & 2. We would Borg Android back in
mr.turing is the alice
mr.turing is the alice chatbot in MRL (worked on by kwatters & Mastablasta)
here is it's service page -> http://myrobotlab.org/service/programab
you can communicate with him, when you include "@mrt" in your shouts
I thought it was something
I thought it was something like that, thanks. Can you communicate with it verbally? Is it the goal to use this AI with InMoov?
We are building one of these ....
He needs a little work :)
Ya - the idea is to communicate verbally, but the weak link now is the Speech Recognition...
A coupld strategies include :