This is a 4.2" LCD screen with Composite Video Out - > 12 V

Hooked to the screen there is a Sport Camera (the same i use for my quadcopter)

The goal is to hook up the Mpu6050 to have ACC/GYRO feedback for MRL so that i can move InMoov Head like Kwatters did with his Oculus Rift.

So far i succeed sending a single acceleration value back from the MPU.

MPU6050 - >Arduino -> acclerationx value -> serial -> Serial Service -> MyRobotLab

Bill of materials :

Here is some pictures :



10 years 2 months ago

Neo your hooked into the matrix !  

How can I help !

You Rock ! :D


10 years 2 months ago


Your DIY fpv system looks great... I made a similar system totally DIY... I use a DIY headtracker on it... It uses GY-85 imu sensor (which has an mpu6050) and arduino Promini USB... I can move x&y pan-tilt servos on the plane with this system and the cam turns to where I look at...

I can send schematics and code if you want...


10 years 2 months ago

I've too many things in my " To learn / see / try / make " list !!
Stop to give me new stuff to add to this list lol !!!

Humm , no, continue ; I'm loving it !


10 years 2 months ago

Hey, Love this stuff
Using a diving mask as base to adapt on the face would certainly be a good option.


10 years 1 month ago

Friggin Awesome Ale !!!

2 X 3 Axis Accelerometers ? 1 Arm & 1 Head ?

Did you limit the feedback?


Armband -> GY80 sensor 10DOF - > 3axis acc , 3 axys gyro, 3 axis compass, baro , temp

Rift ->GY521 sensor AKA Mpu6050 -> 3axis acc , 3axis gyro


Feedback limited to 1/10 . Data is sent every 10 loops