
10 years 1 month ago

Can you post oics of motor, how you put it in, and so? Might be a great iteration! Fast clean and strong!

maybe for torso and abs too!


10 years 1 month ago

So far it´s only a simple test. These days I will make some pictures and provide the community with more information.
It´s a 25 watt 12v motor ($ 15) and the IBT-2 Ardunio bridge ($ 12). I used another gear 1:5 and it has a pretty good speed. The torque is awesome, used 3kg on the wrist and that was an easy lift. Almost a little overmotorized for InMoov. Some holders will not be possible with ABS printing, unless you make them 2 inches strong ;-). I used some 4mm acrylic plates which does the job.
It´s a very nice feeling moving that motor :-)
I´ll keep you up to date.


10 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Mastablasta

Hi Masta


Test with total arm the power and torque please. The problem i had with all my testings Planetary and steppers have not enouth power to lift complete arm. Arm to heavy . I think that is why Geal came to a decision to use wormgear. Nothing stronger than that. Believe me i tri Bevel Gear, Plannetary , Servos Allone etc. Arms complete is to heavy to pick up with portable enouth motr to put in inmoov.


Please test with complete arm


Tanks Adolph


10 years 1 month ago

I did a simple test. Connected 1 meter of pvc pipe with 1kg (1.078gr to be precise) weight at the end to the motor. Motor liftet that 1kg easy. This should be 10nm, right?
The motor has a metal gear, my reduction is plastic and will break if I use more weight. As soon as I have another metal gear I will run another test. I´m sure it will lift more.
Does anyone know the weight of one full Inmoov arm?

The motor now runs in my script with a 3rd Arduino (Uno) and the IBT-2 brigde. I wanted the 12v to be a separate system.


10 years 1 month ago

how can I delete a post?


10 years 1 month ago

Looks fun Masta, but the motor is in the lower arm?
Can you post your script?


10 years 1 month ago

Yeah, the motor is in the lower arm. All this was just a test made from old parts. I will try to make a shoulder with 2 of these motors. Waiting for parts and I would like to design a holder. I´m only familiar with google sketchup but that should be ok for a simple motor holder. I don´t find the right gear so far, may need to make one from ABS as well.
For the omoplate I will use a little stronger motor, but I can´t get any more h-brigdes here in Brazil at the moment.

The script is not finished yet, this is all I used so far. First time I use a h-bridge and a motor, need to find out about postions and so on.

port = "COM9"
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
m1 = Runtime.createAndStart("m1","Motor")
arduino.motorAttach("m1", 5, 6)
i01.mouth.speak("starting dc motor on left arm")
ear.addCommand("left arm up slow", "python", "leftarmupslow")
ear.addCommand("left arm down slow", "python", "leftarmdownslow")
ear.addCommand("left arm up fast", "python", "leftarmupfast")
ear.addCommand("left arm down fast", "python", "leftarmdownfast")
def leftarmupslow():

def leftarmdownslow():

def leftarmupfast():

def leftarmdownfast():