From what I have understood after disscusing the working of MRL with you, is this data flow for online gameplay (ie: board user vs user on website GUI) correct?


New Diagram




10 years 1 month ago

Close, but more simple... WebGUI provides both regular http web services & websockets added diagram

oops forgot speakers but yeah that could come off the pi too..

In the new diag, you show that WebGUI alone will take care of comms with the webpage.


-will i need to write a php script for accepting the incoming connection from Raspi

-what script will I have to write to tell the web sockets to communicate with the website? (Will this be written in python of MRL ?)

(Sorry if these questions a basic)

ChessGameManager will establish all the routing which needs to be done on startup.

I'm making the ChessGameManager for you - because I can see it could be generalized.  

If there are specific configuration needed for your chess game then we can add it as a very short python script