Here is my test with the MPU6050 sensor with Arduino.

I'm using the I2Cdev library by jrowberg which is divided in 2 parts :

1) the "general" I2C communication part

2) the customized part for each sensor

To make it worky i had to "install" manually the libraries in the ArduinoIDE

References :



10 years 6 months ago

Whoa! .. looked at the code a little bit ..
Forgot it was I2C. Sure you don't want to use a RasPi instead of a Arduino? :D

I'm looking at the I2C in mpuMRL.ino - its rough in the sense it has 2 additional dependencies .. Also there is the Arduino vs Fastwire ?

Anyway, this should be our plan .. what we want is MRL
library. include MRLComm.h

// initialize

// create a function number for the MPU6050 data
int MPU6050_DATA = 50

void loop(){

void loop() {
// read raw accel/gyro measurements from device
accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);

MRL.send(MPU6050, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz)


MPU6050 Service's Serial publishes the data to MPU6050 Service.. and it prints or displays it ..

Now all we have to do is build it :D