Here I present a Program to clone a Parallax Propeller into thinking its an Arduino for use with MyRobotLab.

Its just a first Proof of concept with basic MRLComm commands

I devised the code to emulate an Arduino Uno :-

  1. Digital Inputs
  2. Digital Outputs
  3. Analog inputs
  4. Servo Outputs pin orientated  (still needs tweeking)

It already can be used "as is" however there are many commands to be shoehorned in.

I guess this would also be a starting point for any FPGA / ARM  MRLComm system.

You will need a Propeller chip and these Object files (libraries) saved to the same folder as the below code.

  1.  "ExtendedFullDupleSerial.spin"
  2.  "FullDuplexSerial"
  3.  "ADC_INPUT_DRIVER.spin" 
  4.  "Servo32v9.spin"   & "Servo32_Ramp_v2.spin"


    COPY PASTE the below into the Spin IDE .... Run and enjoy

* @author Gareth aka
* File :- MRLComm_Prop_19.spin  
* MyRobotLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version (subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided in the LICENSE.txt file).
* MyRobotLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or fun,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* All libraries in thirdParty bundle are subject to their own license
* requirements.
* Enjoy !
* -----------------
* Purpose: translate serial commands into Propeller language commands,
* mostly relating to IO.  This would allow a computer to easily take
* advantage of Propellers great IO capabilities, while cpu number crunching
* could be done on the computer

This is a Propeller version that clones itself as an Arduino Uno.
The advantage of using a Propeller is that it runs @80Mhz with 8 parallel cores.
Easily implemeted  is i2c , composite video and VGA outputs.

Only Basic Proof of concept actions are implemented so far:-
 (1) Digital Inputs/Outputs   
 (2) Analogs
 (3) Servos PWM

When compared to the Arduino the Propeller version in infact ends up with an extra 2 analogs and extra 14 digital I/Os

NB Coding :- DIRB and OUTB registers are a special case (programmers trick) as they are not implemented by the Propeller (Propeller uses DIRA & OUTA to control its IO and thats all it needs)
             As they are free registers they can be used for bit mapping ... its a real easy way to set and clear bits in a 32 bit word , so i have exploited them as flags in the programming
          :- At momment using some binary ie %0000_0101 notations make it easier to see whats happening ... the underscore is ignored by Propeller
Additional Hardware :-
An ADC chip is needed for the analog conversion....
Sigma/delta circuits could be used, however 2 pins per channel are take easy way and choose the....  
Chip version details here :-
   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐           ┌─────────┐
   │      8 Channel 12-Bit Analog>Digital      │  Analog 0─┫  M   Vdd┣─┬─── 3.3 Volt
   │ Designed for the MCP3X0X series of ADCs   │         1─┫  C  VRef┣─┘
   │           Using the MCP3208 chip          │         2─┫  P  AGnd┣─┐
   │      Channels are mapped from :-          │         3─┫  3   Clk┣─┼─── pin  27
   │     14 to 21  (ie 20&21 are Bonus)        │         4─┫  2  DOut┣─┼─┐                              
   │      as Arduino has only 6 analogs        │         5─┫  0  DIn ┣─┼─┻─ pin  26     
   └───────────────────────────────────────────┘         6─┫  8   CS ┣─┼─── pin  25
                                                         7─┫     DGnd┣─┴─── 0.0 Volt
                                                           └─────────┘            }}
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' Set up the clock for 80Mhz

  Vclk_p         = 27  ' clock pin  ' ADC setup requites 3 pins
  Vn_p           = 26  ' data in    ' Yes the data in/out can be tied together
  Vo_p           = 26  ' data out   '
  Vcs_p          = 25  ' CS pin     '

  MRLCommVersion = 9   ' Each update requires this to be ++
  PST    : "ExtendedFullDupleSerial"      '      This Serial Handler enables you to put a timeout on the RX data (so no hang ups waiting for lost bytes)
  ADC    : "ADC_INPUT_DRIVER"             '      8 channel analog handler
  SERVO  : "Servo32v9.spin"               '      Gives ability to control 32 Servos with speed control - NB to detach a servo send it a wild out of range value.
Byte    MRL_Magic                         '      Store Magic number... General declarations, mostly global variables so its easier to exchange data between subroutines/cogs
Byte    MRL_SZ                            '      Size of following data packet ... at moment its set for a variable max of up to 4 bytes
Byte    MRL_FN                            '      Function ....What action to make
Byte    MRL_Data1                         '      1st data byte
Byte    MRL_Data2                         '      2nd data byte
Byte    MRL_Data3                         '      3rd data byte
Byte    RX_IN                             '      Received data buffer
Byte    RXTimeout                         '      Receive data time out, value is in milliseconds (ours is set to 10ms)

Word    Ana1                              '      As ADC chip is 12 bits the data needs to be spanned over two data bytes
Word    Ana2                              '      

Word    DigitalStream                     '      Which Digitals are TXed back
Word    DigitalChannel                    '      Propeller pin0-pin24           pins25>31 are used for analog control and basic RXTX comms
Word    DigitalRead                       '                                     Maybe a couple of pins more will be dedicated to i2c or neopixel control etc

Word    AnalogStream                      '      Which analogs are TXed back
Word    AnalogChannel                     '      %0000_1110  being the first analog    Propeller maps its analogs to these pins ie analog 0 = pin14
Word    AnalogRead                        '                                                                                        analog 1 = pin15 etc
Byte    Magic_Number
PUB Begin
  PST.Start(31,30,0,57600)                                   ' Start the Serial link to MRL  on pins 31(rx),30(tx) @57600 Baud
  ADC.start(Vo_p, Vn_p, Vclk_p, Vcs_p, 8, 8, 12, 1, false)   ' Start ADC = scan 8 channels, 12-bit ADC, mode 1
  SERVO.Start                                                ' Start Servo handler

  'DIRA[22..23]~~      ' debug 2 output watchdogs 23 = connected to MRL    22=data
  'OUTA[22]:=False     ' set debug led off
  'OUTA[23]:=False     ' set debug led off
  Magic_Number := %1010_1010                ' Magic control sequence
  RXTimeout    := 10                        ' Set the receive time out to 10ms .... so keeps things in motion (ie waiting for bytes that never come :-)
    RX_IN :=  PST.RxTime( RXTimeout )       ' Look for the first byte of a payload
    if RX_IN == %10101010                   ' If its a "Magic" byte then process the rest
       MRLMagicFirst                        ' Call Serial IN routine to extract first bytes of data
      case MRL_FN
         %0001_1010 :                       ' Yes i am here MRL  so I am sending my HandShake and version back to you.
           PST.tx(Magic_Number)               ' Magic number
           PST.tx(%0000_0010)               ' 2 byte payload
           PST.tx(%0001_1010)               ' My MRL version is......
           PST.tx(MRLCommVersion)           ' current MRL communication version

         %0000_0100 :                       ' Digital pinmode direction cmd    ... without altering the actual output/input
           DIRA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2     ' Set Digital to an input or output
         %0000_0000 :                       ' Digital pinmode direction command ... with switch for digital pin on/off
           DIRA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2     ' Set the DataDirection to OUTPUT   MRL_Data2 should be a logic "1"
           OUTA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2
         %0000_1111 :                       ' start Digital Read Polling  Bi-direction data stream until told to stop.
           DIRA[MRL_Data1]:=MRL_Data2       ' Set the Pin as an INPUT    MRL_Data2 should be a logic "0"
           OUTB[MRL_Data1]:= 1              ' raise flag so this pin is included in the digital polling loop
           DigitalStream := OUTB[13..0]     ' Update the Digital loop stream (starts stream if at least one flag is raised,it no flag then no streaming)
         %0001_0000 :                       ' Read polling stop  ........AND (MRL_Data1 < %0000_1110)  PIN mode
           DIRA[MRL_Data1]:=MRL_Data2       ' Stop  Read polling on this pin
           OUTB[MRL_Data1]:= 0              ' remove pin from digital loop
           DigitalStream := OUTB[13..0]    
         %0000_1101 :                       ' Enable Analog cmd   can in this sequence 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
           OUTB[MRL_Data1]~~                ' on
           AnalogStream := OUTB[19..14]
         %0000_1110 :                       ' Disable Analog cmd 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7  
           OUTB[MRL_Data1]~                 ' off
           AnalogStream := OUTB[19..14]
         %0000_0110 :                       '  Servo command

         %0000_0111 :
    if DigitalStream  > %0000_0000          '  Only service Digital Stream if needed
    if AnalogStream   > %0000_0000          '  Only service Analog Stream if needed
   'If you need to slow things down then :-      waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt)  .... this may be cmd 27 ... i think...  
PUB MRLMagicFirst                           ' Messy routine.... until I implement Mega version...
  MRL_Magic := RX_IN                        ' Store Magic Byte
  RX_IN     :=  PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
  MRL_SZ    := RX_IN                        ' Store Size of following Payload
   case MRL_SZ                                        
     %00000001 :                            ' If size = 1 byte call the store 1 byte routine   AA:01:(1A) for example
         MRL_FN    := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
     %00000010 :                            ' If size = 2 byte call the store 2 bytes routine  AA:02:(1A):(00) for example
         MRL_FN    := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
     %00000011 :                            ' If size = 3 byte call the store 3 bytes routine  AA:01:(1A):(00):(00) for example
         MRL_FN    := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data2 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
     %00000100 :                            ' If size = 4 byte call the store 4 bytes routine  AA:01:(1A):(00):(00) for example
         MRL_FN    := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data2 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
         MRL_Data3 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
PUB AnalogLoop
    repeat AnalogChannel from 14 to 21                       ' 8 analogs are implemented as Propeller has 2 extra Bit of a messy loop ... as not sure what to do when converted to a Mega vesrsion
       if  OUTB[AnalogChannel] == 1                          ' Test our special register ...  If set then TX that analog
         AnalogRead := ADC.getval(AnalogChannel-%0000_1110)  ' -14 because Arduino analog starts at 14 and Propeller is starts at 0
         AnalogSend                                          ' So basically only send back an Analog that is Flagged for in the data stream
PUB AnalogSingle                                             ' Sending single Analogs back to MRL can be done by calling this routine.
      AnalogChannel :=MRL_Data1  ' 0E first analog
      AnalogRead := ADC.average(AnalogChannel-%0000_1110,10) '  ADC value of channel 0 (Averageing 100 values)  
PUB AnalogSend
           PST.tx(Magic_Number)                         'Send:- Magic number
           PST.tx(%0000_0100)                                ' 4 bata bytes to follow
           PST.tx(%0000_0011)                                ' this is analog data....
           PST.tx(AnalogChannel) ' Analog 0  = 0E            ' for analog number .....
           Ana1:= AnalogRead                                 ' read and store analog value
           Ana2:= ana1>>8                                    ' /256
           PST.tx(Ana2)                                      ' send high byte
           PST.tx(Ana1)                                      ' send low byte
PUB DigitalLoop
   repeat DigitalChannel from 0 to 13                        ' Set up Digital loop input stream  Bit of a messy loop ... as not sure what to do when converted to a Mega vesrsion
      if OUTB[DigitalChannel] == 1                           ' Test our special register ...
        DigitalRead := INA[DigitalChannel]                   ' if bit is set then TX that digital input

'PUB DigitalSingle
   ' DigitalChannel := MRL_Data1 ' Inputpin 0
   ' DigitalRead    := INA[DigitalChannel ]     '
   ' DigitalSend
     'if INA[2] == 1
      '       OUTA[23]~~     
      '     else
      '       OUTA[23]~
PUB DigitalSend                                               
           PST.tx(Magic_Number)                          'Send:-   Magic number
           PST.tx(%0000_0011)                                 '   3 byte payload
           PST.tx(%0000_0001)                                 '   this is going to be a digital input
           PST.tx(DigitalChannel)                             '   off this digital pin
           PST.tx(DigitalRead)                                '   with a digital 1 or 0
PUB ServoAttach                                             
           Servo.Set(MRL_Data1+2,1500)                        '   attach a servo to this pin ....and errr center it for start
PUB ServoDeattach
           Servo.set(MRL_Data1+2,50000)                       '   Servo detatach is done by give a wild value
PUB ServoPWM                                                  '   send this pwm signal to selected servo
           Servo.set(MRL_Data1+2,MRL_Data2*20)   ' This *20 if a "fudge as MRL outputs degrees and not milliseconds

PUB Flashlight                                                '   Debug LEDS for development only connect to pins 22 and 23
     repeat 2
             !OUTA[22..23]              ' Invert LED condition on2off off2on a couple of times
              waitcnt(clkfreq/4 + cnt)  ' Blip a few lights to show activity                   


10 years 3 months ago

WOOOHOOO ! Nice Borg'in Gareth !

Will check into GitHub so we can both add stuff to it easily


10 years 2 months ago

Ok Boss,
how many digital pins ... it has no analog right ? you have the nifty adapter for analog ?
are all the pins pwm too ?

How many different board types ? Is it like the Arduino line .. some with many pins, some with few.. and some in-be-tween ?


10 years 1 month ago

Thanks for the update Gareth..

Important question :
I use the oscope all the time, and I get a feeling you do as well... Do you ever use the pin tab ? Have you ever found it useful.. ?


10 years 1 month ago

I too find the oscope invaluable, its saved me a lot of time.
I don't use the pins as much ... I only use it to test outputs.. I guess the oscope tab could have output toggle switches instead ie on the right side and then you could do away with pins tab.