well the Sydney mini maker fair had less stalls than last year but over all it was still awesome, I mange to finished rewiring InMoov so he is more standard with everyone else and added the temperature sensors as well and made a made simple change to the arduino running the neopixel ring to have some very basic control over what colours it shows.

note that the temperature only gave a readout of the servos and after 3 hours or so just stopped working. If I can get eclipse to work again ill try to make a service for it. 


10 years 2 months ago

Looks great! Jhack, can you tell a bit more about the temp sensors? Taped on side? Put inside?


10 years 2 months ago

the neo-pixel used a separate arduino mini pro with 4 wires connected to right arduino for communication, a very quick way to do it as i go the ring 1 day before i needed to leave for the maker far. the temp sensors are still the diodes i used before but can be easily be replaced with thermal resistors, i installed them all inside the servos to get the best reading,





10 years 2 months ago

Hey I want more pictures of the Sydney MakerFaire!!! or even better a video!!

Your InMoov looks great Jhack, I love the idea to monitor the temps of the HS805bb.

I did the same set up to hook up my neo pixel ring. It would be nice if it could be borked within the Myrobotlab.


10 years 1 month ago

Hi jhack,
I'm trying to get your arduino sketch that you posted above to work, but when I try to load it into my UNO I get the following error message;

error, 'strip' was not declared in this scope;
and the following line is highlighted;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

I don't know what that means, can you help me out?

Thanks for your help. Have you got away so it will work in conjunction with the jaw servo? So the ring will only light up when InMoov is talking.


hi, I haven't done anything like that but its a good idea. an idea could be to add a function that listens to the mouth service sending commands to the servo service.


10 years 1 month ago

Thanks for posting the pictures JHack!
Was in a very dark place or is it because the picture is done using the flash?
Anyway, your InMoov is very advanced, it's incredible to see such a clone.