Hey Guys,

Here it is!!!









Big thanks to Grog and Alessandruino from our team for helping us with this project.

Hope you all like it, do let me know if you have any suggestions.



10 years 3 months ago

It's amazing !! Congrat, very nice work yes

How are detect the moves from the player ?


10 years 3 months ago

Great work!!! We only gave you the tools you need mehtaatur ! You guys did the heavy job! The quality of the final result is very high!


10 years 3 months ago

@beetlejuice, thanks

the movement is detected by the memberane keypad. the top surface is actually a keypad with print of chess board


@ale, I am glad you like the final result.

I got few suggestions from collegues about adding more functionality and modifying this project as a laser cutter etc, will make a blog post about ti soon so disscuss with everyone :)


10 years 3 months ago

Nice build and integration of MRL......

I like the way the way that the chess piece seems to search the reed switch sensor before it settles exact in the center of the square ... Is this programmed in ?.



10 years 3 months ago

GREAT PROJECT  Mehtaatur !

Thanks for sharing it with us !

We can see you and your team really put a lot of work into this, and as a final product it looks great.  Really like the LED addition as I mentioned before.

Does it have an Auto-play method?  Where it plays itself?

Thanks for the big Logo on the side ... Looks good :)

Do you have plans on where else your going to show?  What are your future goals for it ?

Nice Job o/ 


10 years 3 months ago

I love the final product.  It's funny to recognize the voice in a youtube video like this. I've heard it from so many InMoovs. 

In the past when I've been playing MRL ambassador at my makerspace's monthly robotics meeting, I make a point of telling people that MRL isn't just for InMoov or "traditional" robotics projects.  Your chess project, Grog's sprinklers, and his pick to light system are the examples I mention to prove that point.  Now I can show them this great video to back that up.  :)


10 years 2 months ago

Firstly, Thanks again to everyone for appreciating this project and its integration with MRL

@Gareth, there are no reed switches used. they were used earlier but we discarded it be cause of accuracy issues.

Currently we have used memberane keypad and regarding  pieces settling exactly in center. Its because there is a servo which when moves to a diff position causes the pecises to slide back little, so I have programmed the stepper to stop a little ahead of center and the servo slides them into center.

@grog, what do you mean by auto play? like computer vs computer?

My plans for showing this next would be at events: 

We applied for Maker Faire Rome and got selected.

The future plans for this board would be to add few more features:

1) enable online game play (board user vs opponent online) this has already been established but i need to streamline this process more. I used this java script GUI (chessboardjs.com)

2)make the board completely standalong by adding raspberry Pi so that MRL will run from RasPi

3)Make the board more thinner and work on the exterior looks and get manufactured better coins

* I also plan to use this mechanism for DIY laser cutter


10 years ago

Hello guys, I've seen your project this evening at Maker Faire Rome. Your idea about a chess board that moves pawns automagically is great.... but seeing them in first person is really amazing!!!