The night would first get in position to move by following the blue line to the 4 corners. Then it would carry out it's normal move path along the red line (left 2 forward 1) then it would undo the prep move by following the green line back to the center of the destination square. The diagonal prep moves allow it to move without knocking over anything next to or in front of it. This mostly only applies to the Knight since it's the only one that regularly jumps other pieces. You would need something similar if someone is going to Castle thier king (which is beyond any chess playing I've ever done).
Pretty Neat
Got to love all you programmers will to share your wisdom with all us mechanical guys.
I the short half a year I have been here I have learnt so much it's dumfounding.
Thanks to you all.
Dwayne dwilli9013
This is great . I like this .
This is great . I like this . Nice going
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
The pawn skates over the
The pawn skates over the board !
Path planning
Here's what I was talking about in the shoutbox.
The night would first get in position to move by following the blue line to the 4 corners. Then it would carry out it's normal move path along the red line (left 2 forward 1) then it would undo the prep move by following the green line back to the center of the destination square. The diagonal prep moves allow it to move without knocking over anything next to or in front of it. This mostly only applies to the Knight since it's the only one that regularly jumps other pieces. You would need something similar if someone is going to Castle thier king (which is beyond any chess playing I've ever done).
hey kmc, Thanks for drawing a
hey kmc,
Thanks for drawing a diag of movement, Ive used this for movement of horse. do checkout the video post :)