Hello everyone 
I just perceive me that I printed al upside 
Indeed, as my parts are symétriquent I saw not the problem 
Now, I 'prints INMOOV and this happens in reverse 
I do not understand thank you for your help
bonjour tout le monde
je viens de m'appercevoir que j'imprimais a l 'envers
en effet comme mes pieces sont symétriquent je ne voyais pas le problème
maintenant, j 'imprime INMOOV et cela arrive a l'envers
je ne comprend pas merci de votre aide



10 years 3 months ago

This is right, or the part wont fit the chest part, the 2 imchest parts are in a V shape and the logo has to be flipped after printing, so the flat side is on top. And the V shape fits on the part.



10 years 3 months ago

It s mirrored because the flat part will go outside... So it will look correct after.. You ll need particular chest pieces for that (InMoovLefthollow and inmoovrighthollow)


10 years 3 months ago

hello everybody 
I did not take the good example 
here is the problem 
on the room inMleft I have OOV is printed upside down?


10 years 3 months ago

You already printed all that piecies :) ???

You are fast !!!

oh...so maybe your printer has one of the axis mirrored.

You can mirror piecies in software using Netfabb, so that then they look correct once printed...




10 years 3 months ago

yes i all print it lol

i have a fast printer 

a delta printer for one piece i need 3hours

i looking for every here and i don't find solution


i turn one 90° and now it is ok

i don't understand what happen but i am sorry to lose 3hours and print a mistake

thank you ales for your messages


10 years 3 months ago

Your printer is printing all parts mirrored.

You could call your robot Voomni. :)

I think your problem is with your slicer or with the firmware of your printer.

To test if I'm guessing correctly your problem,try to print:


And check if the thread is in the correct direction.


Ton imprimante imprime à l'envers.

Tu peux appeler ton robot Voomni. :)

Je crois que c'est soit ton slicer ou ton firmware qui n'est pas bien réglé.

Pour tester si mes dires sont correct, essais d'imprimer cette pièce:


Et vérifie si le filetage est dans le bon sens comparé à cette photo.