It seems that everyone is having the same problem with InMoov hearing background noise and interprting it as a possible command.

Is it possible to incorpate a "trigger word" into the voice command? The program woud have to hear this word before interpeting the command, for example;

"InMoov, arms up', InMoov, fist hips" ,,,InMoov , being the trigger word, without this word it does nothing.

The trigger word should be user programable so that what ever someone has named their InMoov they could call it that.

Just an idea/suggestion, it might make running the robot in public where there is a lot of backgroung noise easier.





10 years 6 months ago

Hi Bhouston, I think you have a good idea.. additionaly, wk is championing to get Microsoft Speech integrated too.  Both are possible...  

Just so you know, you can experiment now with it just by adding the key word to the phrases.  Although, there are many ways to implement it, you could test now.

Let us know how it goes


10 years 6 months ago

IMHO better would be to "train" Inmoov to "recognize" your voice pattern, so there will be no response unless it is "your" voice, thus eliminated ambient noise responses and the need for trigger word.


10 years 6 months ago

I played around with this "Trigger word" idea and I think i've come up with something.

I added the word "Robot" to the commands, for example;

ear.addCommand("victory robot", "python", "victory")

By adding this word to the commands, I have almost eliminated the program from interpeting background noise as commands and it seems to interpet my commands better.

I think you could use any word you want for the trigger but I would make it an uncommon word.

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you



10 years 3 months ago

I tried for awhile to use inMoov as my trigger word - it would not respond at all. While doing some other scripting I found the program will not hear or respond to anything other than an english word/name. (i use english on my computer). So I tried "in move" as the trigger word and it works great. By using a trigger word in my commands the program does not "hear" and try to interpet background noise as much.

For example  -  ear.addCommand("in move system check","python","systemcheck")