Alright - finally got my PIR connected - big delay was finding correct jumpers for it.

This is an Arduino Uno connected on digital pin 7 with just an Arduino service

Works as I expect it would - 3 second delay after a signal .. goes back to low if not triggered again..

If you don't get this far, we need to find out why...


10 years 4 months ago

Could it be that the 2 Radio Shack PIR's I've got are faulty for this application? They trigger my motion activated camera. Are there any other settings on the PIR other than the re-trigger/ continuious jumper?

My PIR doesn't have a spec, or I can't find it... 
It looks like this :

It looks pretty similar to many - except for the extended red pin breakout.. which on closer inspection just looks like a pin coupler .. nothing more..  So I think this unit (without the red) is pretty popular...

Fortunately it has labels for the pins 'S'ignal 'G'nd & 'V'cc   ...  I fed it 5Volts from the Arduini and it seemed happy.


It was just GUI.

  1. started the gui (MRLComm.ino was already loaded on the Uno)
  2. started and Arduino service
  3. pressed on the oscope tab
  4. pressed the 7 button 
  5. A trace ran across the oscope .. I then put a sock over the PIR and after ~4 seconds the signal went low...  took the sock off - the signal goes high.


10 years 4 months ago

I have a RS PIR too and this is a pretty simple test. I'll give it a shot too.

Ya .. I "thought" this came from Radio Shack - but the model they sell now looks like this -

For a generalized interface I would expect pretty much the same thing from all of them :

  1. 3 Pins - 5 Volts, Ground & Signal 
  2. Signal goes low to high on activity
  3. A delay (possibly adjustable via trim pot) .. mine is about ~5 seconds - and there is a trim pot on it but haven't messed with it.

Here's my setup.  Arduino Uno connected to my MacBook. PIR is plugged into a breadboard. Jumper wire from ground pin to gnd on arduino. Jumper wire from VCC pin to 5V on arduino.  The OUT pin to D7 on the arduino.  No external power besides the USB to the Mac. The Jumper is on Retrig (closest to the mounting hole).

The one I have is the same as in the PDF you linked.  I followed the same basic steps you did on my Mac. 

1) Started MRL 1987

2) Started Arduino service from GUI

3) Pulled down Tools menu and selected the Serial port (/dev/tty.usbmodem1411)

4) Got the "goodtimes" message that all was connected

5) clicked the oscope tab

6) Clicked D7 and watched the green trace start

7) While I moved the line went high. About 4 sec after I stopped moving the line went low again

The PIR board doesn't have any pots on it so there's no way to adjust it.  There are pads on the back side for SMD pots with one labeled "Distance" and "Delay". I have no idea what value pots to try to solder on and I don't know if I have the SMD soldering skills to do so.


The way I see it, for InMoov it shouldn't matter much if all it is doing is looking for someone to move to wake it up this should be fine.  The few extra seconds after they leave or stop moving shouldn't matter since the autopower down is 120 sec by default.