This is going to be my new printer, my old one has a bend frame, and prints are not accurate anymore.

All sides are going to get panels of alu sheet with PC sheets

Below is not mine, but from the designer. Info can be found on


10 years 5 months ago

Looks very solid wvantoorn.. I would think it would be very dfficult to bend its frame...

What kind was your old printer and how did its frame get borked ?


10 years 5 months ago

My old printer was an self made prusa i3, milled the single plate frame out of 3mm metal, wich isnt enough to lose wobble and instability.

and i had it placed in an old kitchen cabinet to make a heated chamber, and get less warp. Wanted to replace the hotend for a bowden one, drilled a hole in the cabinet, and at one point or another my sweater got hooked on a z threaded rod. And the she went when i pulled my arm back, all the way to the floor. 

So i decided i want a printer enclosed in its own case and when it works fine, dont make adjustments anymore.

Hopefully the alu slots come in soon. Cant wait to print again, so i can repair some borked inmoov parts.