Oh oh ohhhhhh !!! Italian Christmas has arrived :)
In the pic you can see my new toys !!
In the Nord-West corner a Ping sensor (HC-sr04), then a Gyro+acc+baro+compass (the red one), then an MPU6050-gyro+acc (more accurate) and an RTC module :D
Alessandro you are just like me... i also love to receive small packets from China and always be happy unpacking them and inspect one by one with love and happiness... I am anxious about what you will do with these... I experimented a lot with HC-SR04 and MPU 6050 and i can be of help if needed for their interaction with Arduino... For ex... HC-SR04 has 4 pins there, seems that you have to hook up + and GND and 2 other for sending and receiving echo. but actually there is a simple library to use it with only 3 pins instead of 4. connect middle 2 pins as one and use it just like Ping sensor. send receive on single pin. below is a simple code i wrote for an autonomous ArduRover for object avoidance navigation... the HC-SR04 is on a servo and if something detected nearer than 20cm it starts sweep scan and tries to find a left or right opening in front to drive..
// ArduTank Project L293D implementation with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
// 2 DC motors on Tamiya tank chasis
// if you need PWM, just use the PWM outputs on the Arduino
// and instead of digitalWrite, you should use the analogWrite command
your new toys...
Alessandro you are just like me... i also love to receive small packets from China and always be happy unpacking them and inspect one by one with love and happiness... I am anxious about what you will do with these... I experimented a lot with HC-SR04 and MPU 6050 and i can be of help if needed for their interaction with Arduino... For ex... HC-SR04 has 4 pins there, seems that you have to hook up + and GND and 2 other for sending and receiving echo. but actually there is a simple library to use it with only 3 pins instead of 4. connect middle 2 pins as one and use it just like Ping sensor. send receive on single pin. below is a simple code i wrote for an autonomous ArduRover for object avoidance navigation... the HC-SR04 is on a servo and if something detected nearer than 20cm it starts sweep scan and tries to find a left or right opening in front to drive..
// ArduTank Project L293D implementation with HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
Hope this helps... i am sorry for the format of the post... couldnt paste the program block as seperate..
Thank you so much borsaci :)
Thank you so much borsaci :) now i know who ask for informations :)