Well, when I execute a script for the Arduino, like this:

At the first time when I command the script to execute, its works fine...
Now I will change my script to blink port 8...
Now I will release the service...
And when I command it to execute, its start the Arduino Service again and works well...
But now I will change the sleep for 3, and I forgot to release manually the service...
And it's not works...
No lights =/
What do you think about this bug?


11 years ago

Thanks zampier for such a well documented bug.  
I will try what you are doing and see if it behaves the same on my system.
The problem probably comes from RXTXLib - the library used to communicate over serial ports.
I'm guessing by your system, you are using a bluetooth serial too.. which would not suprise me if RXTX has more problems.

But first let me show you what "will" work.

Method #1 - Make new smaller script with only parts you want (not all the initialization and serial connection stuff).  The serial port is already connected - just run the parts of the script your intereseted in.

Hightlight the parts you want.

New script

Paste the code in a new tab - run it ...  change it ... run it again ..  change it again...  run it again ... etc..

This works ! :)

Method #2 Use GUI

You might know all the control methods for the old gui but here they are quickly..

Use the Pin tab

Method #3 - use the "beta" Web Interface 

BUG !!! - you have to refresh if its the first time otherwise you don't get example files or load files to display lists....

load your sample

run the connect part only once...

its a little more tricky (beta) :P

Method #4

Use the REST API

press the digitalWrite button with 13 1 and it will turn into a URL which will call the Arduino's digitalWrite(13,1)

Any method in MRL can be activated by an appropriate URL :)

Pess the question mark and you can see a context sensitive help about the method.

Well, I'm still filling that out :D

Hope this helps