Yay Worky ! -
Yay .. this is worky closes issue #106
Adding ?branch={someBranch} will switch code samples, icons, javadoc references and other materials in documentation to the appropriate branch. This is helpful, because we develop on the develop branch but release from the master branch. Most users will be interested in master, most developers will want the develop branch.
By default master is on, previously it only allowed develop branch material to be seen.
To demonstrate how this works
Here's my code sample - it has 2 versions 1 on master branch and one on develop
Click the develop link and WATCH THE SAMPLE CHANGE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES !!! - yet its a single reference to get your github code all formatted, pretty, link-ified, and correctly referenced [ [home/GroG/codeSample.py] ], and it's all worky auto-magically !