Hello, first time RML install on a Mac 10.14.6   Got all the prerequisites installed but when I try running the

start_inmoov.sh script all seems to go well but then the process jst hangs.  This is the last bit of the log file. It looks like its tryijng to spawn Python and its unsuccessfull.  Can someone help ?


Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.lang.constant.ConstantDesc java.lang.constant.DynamicConstantDesc.tryCanonicalize() accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang.constant" to unnamed module @6035b93b

       at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(AccessibleObject.java:341) ~[na:na]

       at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(AccessibleObject.java:281) ~[na:na]

       at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.checkCanSetAccessible(Method.java:198) ~[na:na]

       at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.setAccessible(Method.java:192) ~[na:na]

       at org.python.core.PyJavaType.init(PyJavaType.java:291) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.createType(PyType.java:1412) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.addFromClass(PyType.java:1348) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.fromClassSkippingInners(PyType.java:1476) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyJavaType.init(PyJavaType.java:263) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.createType(PyType.java:1412) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.addFromClass(PyType.java:1348) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.fromClass(PyType.java:1439) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.fromClass(PyType.java:1457) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.fromClass(PyType.java:1457) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyType.fromClass(PyType.java:1457) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.adapter.ClassicPyObjectAdapter$6.adapt(ClassicPyObjectAdapter.java:77) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.adapter.ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter.adapt(ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter.java:44) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.adapter.ClassicPyObjectAdapter.adapt(ClassicPyObjectAdapter.java:131) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.Py.java2py(Py.java:1788) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyJavaPackage.addClass(PyJavaPackage.java:86) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyJavaPackage.__findattr_ex__(PyJavaPackage.java:135) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.PyObject.__findattr__(PyObject.java:946) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.imp.importFromAs(imp.java:1160) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.core.imp.importFrom(imp.java:1132) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       at org.python.pycode._pyx0.f$0(<script>:7) ~[na:na]

       at org.python.pycode._pyx0.call_function(<script>) ~[na:na]

       at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(PyTableCode.java:167) ~[myrobotlab.jar:1.0.2693]

       ... 20 common frames omitted

14:24:47.730 [main] ERROR c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime error could not create service python Python

14:24:47.732 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - attempting to invoke : python.execFile(./InMoov/InMoov.py )



5 years 5 months ago

it looks like you have a bad install.. where did you get it?



5 years 5 months ago

In reply to by kwatters

Well I actually tried a few packages....starting with the one on the Inmoov site.  Then the latest on github,  Currently the one I am using is 1.0.2693.9 off the Inmoov site.   MRL does work on its own just not the Inmoov scipt


5 years 5 months ago

In reply to by theDVSguy

you won't be able to use the bundled zips that gael publishes for windows on mac.

Even though MRL is in java, there are many native libraries that get used.  It's recommended to download the myrobotlab.jar ... start it up and tell it to install all services...  

If you tried a zip file from the inmoov web site on your mac, it means that it will have downloaded and installed the windows libraries.. and that definitely won't work.


sorry.. mac isn't really a platform that we work on often so there are likely to be some hiccups.

Understood...originally I did that....so if I go back to the latest how do I get it to spawn up the Inmoov interface like I see in other examples ?also I tried orignally to do a simple arduino connect and right clicking to creating a tab didnt work for me.  any suggestions or step sfor a mac ?

thanks for all your help ;)


5 years 5 months ago

In reply to by theDVSguy

So I see an Inmoov setup but I can spawn anything from this interface. Any suggestions ?

Hello kwatters,

Note that the bundled Manticore on InMoov site is not only for Windows, it performs a regular install to have the necessary dependencies for MyRobotLab to work on the three platforms.

That being said, it is true that some of the bundled version were Windows only. (version 107, 1412 and Kraken)

I think the issue that is having DVSGuy, is related to the start_inmoov.sh itself.

Bruno Ash has a worky start_inmoov.sh fixed by Anthony which I hope to get by email, this way I will add it to the bundle on InMoov site and on github for Nixie.

Thanks Gael,   Looking forward to when its posted so I can get a hold of it also ;)

Would you know why I get this error below when running the  sh start_inmoov.sh ? I cant seem to run the main start_inmoov.sh on its own

InMoov            START-INMOOV.bat    tools
InMoov.patch        myrobotlab.jar
README.md        start_inmoov.sh
TORC1MQ108FG944:myrobotlab.1.0.2693.10 vellas$ sh start_inmoov.sh
: No such file or directory: .
LOG CLEAN UP to free space disk and send clean noworky
rm: myrobotlab.log.1\r: No such file or directory
mv: rename myrobotlab.log to myrobotlab.log.1\r: No such file or directory
This may take a few minutes
mv: rename ./myrobotlab-*.jar to ./myrobotlab.jar\r: No such file or directory


5 years 5 months ago

In reply to by theDVSguy


it cannot find myrobotlab-*.jar to rename it to myrobotlab.jar\r in your directory.

But normaly it should pass that error and go on with the installation.

ok ... so is it trying to rename it to exactily "myrobotlab.jar\r" ?  with a forward slash "r"

is their a reason for this rename ?

You doesnt wok...I get the same error as previous.  But I can launch the script within MRL python tab.

So I assume its the same ?  For some reason and itmight be for security the mac is not allowing me to launch it via the terminal.  Just wondering does Virtual InMoov work on a mac too ?


5 years 5 months ago

Normaly the virtual InMoov should work on Mac as well.
Yes if you run the InMoov.py script directly into the MRL python tab, you can get the robot going.

ok thanks....So just to be clear is their no visual representation of Inmoov other than in virtual mode ?

oh Gael, on another note just wondering when you wil begin to ship the breakout boards. I placed my order during AUguest when the store was closed ;) anxiously awaiting of course.


5 years 5 months ago

In reply to by theDVSguy

Correct, only the virtual InMoov shows a representation of InMoov in the software.

Shipping is due to be done this week. I am waiting for some components to arrive.


ok thanks thats perfect. Looking forward in receiving the boards. Are you able to supply a tracking number once shipped ?

you mentioned the parts are on back order.  Do you have an approx ETA when you will be able to ship them ?


5 years 4 months ago

In reply to by theDVSguy


As a reminder for myself, I post here the new version of the start_inmoov.sh, which should now do the patch action over the standard inmoov directory.

This inmoov-patch is only for Manticore, and it applies the fixes I made after the release of the Official Manticore.

Thanks to Anthony for making this new start_inmoov.sh


#PLEASE USE COMMAND : dos2unix start-inmoov.sh
#If start-inmoov.sh wont to start

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "            INMOOV LAUNCHER"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "LOG CLEAN UP to free space disk and send clean noworky"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
rm myrobotlab.log.1
mv myrobotlab.log myrobotlab.log.1
sleep 1
echo "."
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "This may take a few minutes"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
sleep 1
mv ./myrobotlab-*.jar ./myrobotlab.jar
if [ -f ./mrlNeedReinstall ]; then
    rm -r haarcascades
    rm -r hogcascades
    rm -r lbpcascades
    rm -r libraries
    rm -r pythonModules
    rm -r resource
    rm -r tessdata
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\de\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\es\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\en\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\fr\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\hi\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\nl\aimlif
    rm -r InMoov\chatbot\bots\ru\aimlif
    rm ivychain.xml
    rm myrobotlab.log
    rm repo.json
    rm mrlNeedReinstall
    rm .myrobotlab/serviceData.json
java -jar myrobotlab.jar -install
if [ -r ./InMoov.patch ]; then
mv InMoov InMoov.old
mv InMoov.patch InMoov
chmod +x ./start_inmoov.sh
echo "Done"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
# start the inmoov script
java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/InMoov.py
chmod +x ./start_inmoov.sh