I am building an underwater drone with a gimbled camera, I thought I had the X-Box controller working last night, but today the same code seems to fail. I see I am using pin6 twice opps

Here is a link to a ROV with the same motor setup: 


The goal is to run the three motors in forward and reverse and run two servos for the camera.

This ran last night, now gives me no data. and any little changes change the available returns fron the joystick. very anoying.


port = "COM4"
servoPin = 6
joystickIndex = 7
servoSpeed = 0.7
servoDirection = 0
servoMin = 0
servoMax = 180
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
servoY = Runtime.createAndStart("servoY", "Servo")
servoZ = Runtime.createAndStart("servoZ", "Servo")
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
leftMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("lefttMotor", "Motor")
rearMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rearMotor", "Motor")
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value) 
  if data.id == u'6':
    print("button 6 is ", data.value)
  if data.id == u'z':
    print("axis z is ", data.value)


7 years 8 months ago

port = "COM4"
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)  
   if data.id == u'6':
     print("button 6 is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)

This seems to work 100% of the time as long as I restart mrl every time. It took a while to get rx to work, but now all 5 .data's are captured properly. Now to drive servo's and motors with them.


port = "COM4"
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)  
   if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
     print("button x is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'y':
     print("button y is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)

Theres a new one. When I connected to motor controller I get an error "can not write to a closed port"


port = "COM4"
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)  
   if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
     print("button x is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'y':
     print("button y is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':

when i reckon right it jchecks if the position of the X-joystick as an absolute value is <= 5, so the direction doesnt matter but only the deflection.

PS: the code definately needs some clean up, i think i messed around with definitions of variables etc


What type of Arduino are you using ? Not all pins can be used for PWM. 

On the Arduino Uno pins 3,5,6,9,10 and 11 can be used.

On the Arduino Mega pins 2-13 and 44-46 can be used.

For other boards please check the reference below




If you use setPwmPins(pinA, PinB) both pins needs to be able to send pwm.

Depending on the motordiriver you use, you can alternativley use

setPwrDirPins(pinA, PinB)

In this case the pinA needs to be a pwm pin, but pinB can be a digital pin.






7 years 8 months ago

In reply to by wkinne

My misstake

the alternative should be


I don't know why one uses pwm ( like in PulseWidth Modultation ) and the other pwr ( like in Power )

One little letter can make some differnence

arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
leftMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("leftMotor", "Motor")
rearMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rearMotor", "Motor")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
rearMotor.setPwrDirPins( 3, 4)
rightMotor.setPwrDirPins( 7, 8)
leftMotor.setPwrDirPins( 5, 6)
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)  
   if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
     print("button x is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'y':
     print("button y is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':


The latest build works with the following python to move a motor:


arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
this moves it at 50% speed/power forward.
this works with a dual h-bridge power & direction style motor controller.

Bernard McBryan it seems that newer versions of this board have a design flaw, or factory error. Mine did, if you have an unpopulated R7, a populated C20 capacitor, pulldown resistors on the PWM and DIR pins, and P75NF75 mosfets instead of IRF3205, chances are you have this type of faulty board as well. I fixed mine by bridging the R7 connection (I didn't bridge it actually, I ran a wire directly from the 5V input header to the R7-R8 via because I was troubleshooting, but looking at the bottom of the PCB bridging R7 should have the same effect. Try that first, and if the 101 coil gets too hot or whines loudly, do what I did), and you would also need need to turn around the D1 diode. D5 and D3 should have the same orientation, and D1 should be opposite of them. That's it, hopefully that solves your problem as well.



I ordered 2, the one I am testing is indeed missing r&, but the other has it, going to try it now





Had a bad board and while testing it over wrote mrl, so took some time, but this code does work as intended!

The joystick controls both speed and direction of first motor!....


arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
leftMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("leftMotor", "Motor")
rearMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rearMotor", "Motor")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
rearMotor.setPwrDirPins( 3, 4)
rightMotor.setPwrDirPins( 7, 8)
leftMotor.setPwrDirPins( 5, 6)
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)  
   if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
     print("button x is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'y':
     print("button y is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':

arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
leftMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("leftMotor", "Motor")
rearMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rearMotor", "Motor")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
rearMotor.setPwrDirPins( 3, 4)
rightMotor.setPwrDirPins( 7, 8)
leftMotor.setPwrDirPins( 5, 6)
# start the service 
joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") 
def onJoystickInput(data): 
   print(data, data.id, data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
   if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'x':
     print("button x is ", data.value)
   if data.id == u'y':
#     print("button y is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)
   if data.id == 'z':

hey kw, your code to do the x y math causes lagg, a lot of it. Might have to find another way : (

it can get two and three seconds behind.


7 years 8 months ago

In reply to by wkinne

So  I was thnking about it.. the issue is definitley not the "math".. but rather how many updates are being sent to the motors.  Every time any button is pushed in this code, it was updating both the motor speeds.  This was quite ineffecient and as a result, the messages were getting backed up when being sent to the arduino.

the fix is to either downsample the updates to the motor to a rate that the arduino can handle, or some other logic that says only update when you see that the values for x and y have changed....  

I checked in a change that will only update the motor speeds when the x or y values were updated..  i didn't test, but i suspect this will do the trick for you..

Yup, that got rid of the lagg, thank you!


7 years 8 months ago

In reply to by wkinne

# A script to control the ROV
# create the arduino service
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
# create services for the 3 motors on the rov
rightMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rightMotor", "Motor")
leftMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("leftMotor", "Motor")
rearMotor = Runtime.createAndStart("rearMotor", "Motor")
xservo = Runtime.createAndStart("xservo","Servo")
yservo = Runtime.createAndStart("yservo","Servo")
# create the joystick service
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick", "Joystick")
# set the pins on the motors 
rearMotor.setPwrDirPins( 3, 4)
rightMotor.setPwrDirPins( 7, 8)
leftMotor.setPwrDirPins( 5, 6)
# attach the motors to the arduino so they can be controlled
# subscribe to the publishJoystickInput (this will call "onJoystickInput" in python 
# choose which controller
# initialize the values for x and y so they're not null
x = 0
y = 0
# This is the joystick callback method
# each button push will call this method with the button id and the value of that button..
def onJoystickInput(data): 
  # define the x and y variables as global
  global x
  global y
  update = False
  # a debug statement to print the data being returned from the joystick
  print(data, data.id, data.value)
  if data.id == u'ry':
     print("button ry is ", data.value)
  if data.id == 'ry':
  if data.id == 'rx':
     print("button rx is ", data.value)
  if data.id == u'rx':
  if data.id == u'x':
     # assign the value to the global variable "x"
     x = data.value
     update = True
     print("button x is ", data.value)
  if data.id == u'y':
     # assign the joystick value to the global variable y
     y = data.value
     update = True
     # print("button y is ", data.value)
  if data.id == 'z':
     print("axis z is ", data.value)
  if data.id == 'z':
  # at this point we have the latest values for x and y saved in global memory
  # compute the values to send to the motors
  if update:
     # send the values to the motors.