OledSsd1306 is a service that makes it possible to use a small OLED display.
For example this https://www.adafruit.com/products/938. You can find many other displays that use the ssd1306 chip and most of them should be possible to use with MNRL. However, currently only the i2c protocol is implemented in MRL, so it's possible that you have one wired for SPI, In that case you need to rewire it to use i2c.
This is one guilde that I found on how to do that: http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/164680/ssd1306-display-i…
Some of the OLED displays are only wired for 3v3. In that case you may have to use an i2c level shifter, since the Arduino uses 5V.
For the electrical connections refer to the Arduino and the OLED's pins. For i2c you need 4 wires, VCC, GND, SCL ( clock ) and SDA ( data ).
Currently only limited functions are implemented in OledSsd1306 but that may change in the future.
What you can do is th create a bitmap image and convert it to an array that will be displayed on the OLED.
Images arrays are created using the LCDAssistance as described here:
Mats, this is amazing!
Mats, great update to a useful service
Junior's eye running through MyRobotLab
OLED from Raspberry PI
I also tested the OLED display connected directly to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry PI. It's quite a bit faster than routing it thru the Arduio.