Hello members!

i'm trying to lunch 1.0.1412 version but i have some issues.

My bat file look like this

taskkill.exe /F /IM java.exe
taskkill.exe /F /IM javaW.exe 
cd "C:\Myrobotlab\myrobotlab.1.0.1412\develop\ProgramAB\bots\inmoovWebKit\aimlif"
del "learnf.aiml.csv"
cd "C:\Myrobotlab\myrobotlab.1.0.1412"
java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service gui GUIService python Python -invoke python execFile C:\Myrobotlab\InMoovDeep\InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py
When i try this, MRL and cmd windows came up but no execute the InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py and webGUIService.
What am i doing wrong?
Thank you all!


8 years 5 months ago

Hi ellasdoc

java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service gui GUIService python Python -invoke python execFile C:\Myrobotlab\InMoovDeep\InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py

should be on a single line. I expect that you have that in your script and that is gets changed when you uploaded the script.

In C:\Myrobotlab\myrobotlab.1.0.1412 you find myrobotlab.log.

It contains all messages so you should be able to find some messages in it to help you find the problem. 

Thank you Mats for fast response!

Yes i have it all on a single line. It change when i upload it.

I will see the log file later today and let you know.


8 years 5 months ago


In version 1412 the webGUIService will be launched only if the script is correctly launched.

I suspect the path to the script "InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py" is not correct in your batch:


I say that because it is my path when I created the batch file you are using, and you certainly should have something different.


Hi Gael,

I'm running to be ready for the maker faire :)

I have try it in many diferent batches with no luck.

When i run the script manually all looks fine and also the chrome starts and wait voice commands.

The true is that when im trying to give voice commands the recognition gave me almost always wrong results.

I finally found the solution!!!!!!

The problem was that Windows 7 was configured to "Hide file extensions for known file types." This means that if file appears to have the name "InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py" its actual filename is "InMoov3.Deep.AB.V4.py.txt".



8 years 4 months ago

In reply to by ellasdoc

Ouch! Well that is interesting to know!

I'm glad you got it worky!